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Get list of database files

of all database files on an ObjectDB server. The ObjectDB explorer has such a feature (File->Open C/S ... > There is an undocumented method, which is indeed in use by the Explorer: This will return the root directory, which then can be explored

Enhancement of type is old and cannot be used

>When I open the DB Explorer, I can see those non-existing classes from the log listed as Entities ... the Explorer of version 2.8.3_05 (right click -> Delete, or from the Edit menu). Explorer and then I got the following exception after starting

mappedSuperClass and subClass Duplicates

When I subclass a mappedSuperClass, a table for both appears in the Explorer. Am I ... > Thanks ... billdotnet Bill The super class is shown in the Explorer to enable viewing ... are created. support Support However, it appears that the super classes in the explorer

Entity name

class EBResult extends Pojo implements Serializable{..... In ObjectDB-explorer ... instead of original class names, and are treated by ObjectDB as aliases. In the explorer ... should also be shown and this should be added in future versions of the Explorer. support Support

Java FX tableview fill with an aggregated query

(),getName()"; In the ObjectDB explorer the query works just fine.Explorer and fails in your JavaFX application. Since you are using methods in your query, maybe the Explorer and your application have different versions of your classes. Anyway, it is highly

How to change properties in urls2.xml?

the Explorer. It is not used by ObjectDB outside the Explorer, so just changing its properties ... to my databases using the Explorer or using Java PersistenceManager. Today, copying urls located in urls2

Internal objectdb exception when using different language on a machine

that you submitted indicates that this is probably an ObjectDB bug. However, to explore it further we will need ... subclass) we should explore ways to improve the check to identify and warn against partial enhancement ... the exception by a query in the Explorer? support Support

ObjectDB 2.0.0

a bug in lazy loading of instances of non enhanced classes. Added Explorer support of ID / version / inverse (mapped by) fields. Fixed Explorer bug in closing database ... some bugs in automatic schema evolution. Fixed a Server/Explorer class loading bug

ObjectDB 2.6.2

the Explorer. Added method com.objectdb.Utilities.newTrackable(em ... /1623">issue #1623). Improved title of query result windows in the Explorer ... the Explorer. Fixed a bug in updating a collection field after GC of the containing

Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)

> In all cases lists that are given in the explored database either empty or populated are served ... application suite loaded in the odb Explorer. regards, Darren Kelly (Webel IT Australia ... exploring it in the debugger. support Support After running your test application