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-group-header" class="group-header"> by the provider. by this specification must be observed by the provider. Vendor


key generator that may be referenced by name when a generator element is specified ... of the ObjectDB/JPA manual. group-header" class="group-header ... "> (Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating sequence numbers from the sequence


superclass to override a relationship mapping defined by the mapped superclass. If not specified, the association is mapped the same as in the original mapping. When used to override a mapping defined by ... a relationship mapping defined by an embeddable class (including an embeddable class embedded


should be used for ordering that is visible as persistent state and maintained by the application ... > group-header" class="group-header"> by the persistence provider.


> If the ordering element is not specified for an entity association, ordering by the primary key ... will be by value of the basic objects and the property or field name is not used. When specifying ... { ... @ManyToMany(mappedBy="students") @OrderBy // ordering by primary key is assumed


="method-group-header" class="group-header">   Begin a transaction. The type of transaction is determined by the setting ... .jdo">JDOUserException - if transactions are managed by a container in


"> This interface is implemented by listeners to be notified of clear events. group-header" class="group-header"> method is invoked on the instance and the fields have been cleared by


"> This interface is implemented by classes that can be detached from the persistence context and later attached. The interface includes the contract by which the StateManager can set the object id ... group-header" class="group-header">


> Since: JDO 2.1 group-header" class="group-header"> The value for TransactionType to specify that transactions are managed by


> Annotation for the fetch group of a class. Corresponds to the xml element "fetch-group". Since: JDO 2.1 group-header" class="group-header