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Problem with 'where' and date()

queries with dates in the Explorer by using jpql/literal#date_and_time

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

/jpa/query/jpql/from#inner_join">a multi variable query with JOIN. support Support

auto generate timestamp

="/java/jpa/query/jpql/literal#date_and_time_literals">server time in the event callback by

Updating Entities

on the top of the jpql/update">UPDATE query manual page:

Handling "is null" in where clause

Greetings, I was playing aroung with JPQL and have found that there is a problem with "is null" queries. When you use "is null" in where clause, query runs correctly, but results are incorrect. Let me show you an example: - entity

dual access

doesn't support SQL but JDOQL and JPQL (the later is very similar to SQL). Queries

Multi-Threading/Distributed-Database Questions...

> Is it true that two read-only JPQL queries accessing the same database file actually run 

OR not working with isNull

, which is known to cause some confusion. You have to use jpql/from

Fetch a whole entity graph eager

 eager fetch. jpql/from#left_outer_inner_join

ObjectDB BIRT Driver Update

The ObjectDB BIRT/ODA driver is an extension of the open source Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) that adds support of ObjectDB as a data source and JPQL as a data set query language. In the current implementation ObjectDB