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Multi selection and distinct in a criteria query

> There are some jpql/select#select_in_criteria_queries">relevant examples in ... Adam I am afraid it is not supported neither in JPQL nor in criteria queries.

New to Product & Having An Issue

something wrong with the use of @Embedded, @EmbeddedId or with my JPQL queries or is this a bug? Any ... now at the JPQL query issues, which might indicate an ObjectDB bug. support Support

multiple different applications access one odb file

-only JDBC driver for ObjectDB, if it helps.  It will support running SELECT queries in JPQL syntax only (not SQL, except SQL queries that are also valid in JPQL), and then iterating over a result sets

ClassCastException on SELECT NEW ... after UPDATE over Java RMI

Hi, we are using ObjectDB 2.5.4_04 on Linux. Our application, which uses ObjectDb as a DB, exposes a Java RMI interface which allows remote RMI clients to run JPQL queries ... ...) and UPDATE JPQL queries on the DB via the RMI interface. What we noticed is that once we UPDATE a record

Querys without Transaction

> There is no much difference, but jpql/select#projection_of_path_expressions">report queries ... jpql/select#result_classes_constructor_expressions">result classes

How to add minutes to a Date with JPA2

/jpql/date#extracting_date_parts">date function that will return time in milliseconds ... and retrieve it with the jpql/date#extracting_date_parts">data function

Help with 'not like/lower' query

> You are talking about criteria queries but your first query is a JPQL query. Is it the JPQL

Update query null error

expressions, which are not allowed in JPQL Update queries. See jpql" target="_blank">discussions on this issue.

Removing of an entity removes also another entity type

> See also this relevant paragraph in the ObjectDB jpql/update ... > See also this relevant paragraph in the ObjectDB jpql/delete">manual:

@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) annotation inhibits proper execution of IN expressions.

When the following annotation is present on an enum type entity field: @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) Queries using JPQL IN expressions on this field won't work correctly anymore. This issue has been described in forum post 1254 (JPA JPQL