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Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

> faber Faber The syntax of using JOIN in explained on jpql/from ... ">JOIN close is invalid in JPQL. Instead of ON you may   ... , and then you would be able to use ordinary jpql/from">JOIN of JPQL.

Issue with Casting / Joins

a string based (JPQL) query instead of a criteria query for this purpose, since ObjectDB supports casting in a string based query (as an extension to JPQL). support Support Hi, About the variable for iterating map values.. Yes I am aware that this isn't supported in JPQL

Explorer in 2.3

- an easy way to do ad-hoc JPQL queries and navigate through the results and even make small changes ... > Only expressions that are valid in queries (JPQL, JDOQL and ObjectDB extensions)   ... a JPQL expression in a query. For example, I double click on a String field in an entity

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

("")) { return cs; } String jpql; Map m; m = new HashMap(); jpql = "select new" + " ... = " + jpql); cs = (List<ClientBasicData>) getFacade().findLightsByJpql(jpql, m

IN expression in a Criteria Query

with this JPQL query: SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.present = false ... of the groups, as stated jpql/group">in the manual: JPQL

Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

to the latest updates. But, when using the JPQL Query, the list are refreshed, and, when I ... the query mode, from CriteriaBuilder to JPQL or from Entity to Primitive. What´s now ... and string based JPQL queries regarding the cache (and actually every criteria query it converted by

ObjectDB version 2.3 has been released

support of jpql/collection#not_in">IN operator in JPQL queries. Added support of jpql/update">UPDATE & jpql/delete">DELETE

Join performance in Objectdb

seems to be based on the size of fields of entities: JPQL> select count( from Page e 1 java.lang.Long: 161143 Time : 23.889999 JPQL> select count(e.sUrl) from Page e 1 java.lang.Long: 161143 Time : 96.968002 JPQL> select count(e.iSize) from Page e 1

Multiple MEMBER OF query

MEMBER OF item.labels Is it a bug or JPQL query is wrong? Best regards ... of how JPQL queries are converted into SQL like syntax before executing. MEMBER OF is implemented ... > So, if it is a JPQL parsing/conversion problem, can I avoid that using the criteria API query?

ObjectDB 2.3.0

> Added support of jpql/collection#not_in">IN operator in JPQL queries. Added support of jpql/update">UPDATE &