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JPQL IN Operator

How can I use the standard JPQL IN operator with ObjectDB? This JPQL query works fine with EclipseLink / postgres but throws an exception in objectDB: select distinct dv.creationtime from DataValue dv where dv.capabilityId.capabilityId ==> in <== :capabilities and dv.creationtime

Possible issue for JPQL "LEFT [OUTER] JOIN"

Possible issue for JPQL "LEFT [OUTER] JOIN" is doing "[INNER] JOIN". Thanks. eurojet P. F. Martinez Thank you for this report. Please try build 2.3.7_18 that should fix this issue. support Support Great and fast solution but it doesn't work with the following JPQL queries string: - "SELECT a,b FROM

Delete object from collection versus delete from JPQL

persist() to write them to the database. But does running a JPQL update or delete alter the in-memory objects? There are cases where the JPQL syntax is more expressive than operating on a collection

Possible issue for JPQL IN expression

Possible issue for JPQL IN expression with a set of more than one string literals values in the path expression. Error: Exception in thread "main" [ObjectDB 2.3.7_10] SELECT e FROM MyEntity e WHERE e ... This is one of the few elements of JPQL that are not implemented yet. The workaround is to use a parameter: SELECT e

JPA JPQL WHERE clause for IN :variable not working if variable is a list of Enums

Hi, I have a case where I have a JPQL query like: "select o from MyEntity o WHERE (enumField IN :enumFieldList)" And enum field is defined in MyEntity as:     @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING ... understood the JPA JPQL IN clause should work with Enum types - is that the case, or is this an objectdb

Show Sql/Jpql

Is there a way to show the executed Sql/Jpql in the console? wua Andreas Wurm You can set the log element in ObjectDB configuration to write logging also to the console:     <log path="$objectdb ... " /> support Support I know that, but is there a possibility to see it in Sql/Jpql style not xml. I

JPQL keyword in entity - what to do?

Hi, I have a problem with entity that is using one of JPQL keywords as one of the fields. It's a 'type' field. When I try to build a query that looks for example like this: select new ResultData(p ... since you should be able to use JPQL keywords as field names. Please try build 2.1.0_01 that should fix it. support

JPQL support for Maps (JPA 2.0)

JPQL 2.0 introduces the ability define FROM variables for map keys and values. Currently ObjectDB supports FROM variables for collection elements. FROM variables for map keys and values are expected ... both KEY and VALUE statements with JPQL with the latest version of ObjectDB 2.3.7

JPQL Update & Delete (JPA 1.0)

JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) supports updating and deleting database objects by queries. Currently ObjectDB supports only JPQL SELECT (retrieval) queries. Delete queries are supported for JDOQL (JDO Query Language). support Support spring-data-jpa uses delete queries to implement

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

is to use queries. The official query language of JPA is JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language ... ones. JPA queries and JPQL are described in chapter 4. Retrieval by Refresh Managed objects

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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