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CASE WHEN...THEN...ELSE...END not working using JPQL/JDOQL

? Anyone could help me on how to use the "case" in JPQL? Thank you in advance. ndrantotiana

JPQL query to get entities that does not have a child entity in their child entities

JPQL query to get entities that does not have a child entity in their child entities

KEY() / VALUE() not recognized in JPQL??

KEY() / VALUE() not recognized in JPQL??

JPQL support for mapped by (inverse) collections

JPQL support for mapped by (inverse) collections

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

. The official query language of JPA is JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language). It enables retrieval of objects ... and JPQL are described in chapter 4. Retrieval by Refresh

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

/jpa/query/jpql/delete">DELETE Queries in JPA/JPQL in chapter 4 explains how to use JPA DELETE queries.

Updating JPA Entity Objects

have to be modified in one operation. The jpql/update">UPDATE Queries in JPA/JPQL in

Criteria Query Expressions

The following interfaces are in use in representing general expressions in criteria queries: See the jpql/expression">Query Expressions section for more details and examples.

JPA Persistable Types

are represented jpql/from">in queries by entity names. By default

Is ObjectDB better than competing object databases?

, as part of its support of JPQL (JPA Query Language) and JDOQL (JDO Query Language).