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GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

The GROUP BY clause enables grouping of query results. A JPQL query with a GROUP BY ... , but before the SELECT clause. When a GROUP BY clause exists in a JPQL query, database objects (or tuples ... is very flexible in allowing jpql/expression">JPQL expressions

CRUD Database Operations with JPA

persisting objects in the database in more detail. JPA Queries with JPQL JPQL, the JPA query ... objects from the database using JPA. Running a JPQL query is one of them:

JPA Queries

and run JPQL queries. The TypedQueryJPQL queries (e.g ... in a form) can be done by concatenating JPQL strings into a valid complete JPQL query. JPA 2

Criteria Query From Elements

> Criteria Query Variables The jpql/from">FROM clause ... ="/java/jpa/query/jpql/from#range_variables">Range variables (bound by an entity class ... /criteria/from" select="Root"> jpql/from#inner


the above code, the same JPQL query which retrieves all the Country objects in ... >Dynamic JPQL, Criteria API and Named Queries Building queries by passing JPQL query strings ... queries,  based on Java objects that represent query elements (replacing string based JPQL).

Running JPA Queries

> Note that to only print the country names, a query using jpql ... (with executeUpdate) jpql/delete">DELETE and jpql ... /jpql/delete">DELETE and jpql/update">UPDATE queries in more detail.

Query Parameters in JPA

, which is a colon (:) followed by a valid JPQL identifier that serves as the parameter name. JPA does not ... is :name, JPQL also supports ordinal parameters, whose form is ?index Secondly, embedding strings in queries is unsafe and can expose the application to JPQL

Criteria Query Selection and Results

>See the jpql/select#select_in_criteria_queries">SELECT in Criteria Queries section ... descending Order instance (respectively). See the jpql/order ... can be used as a clean alternative to Object[]. See the jpql

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

" - sets the query language, as one of "JPQL" (JPA query language), "JDOQL ... , which is a union of JPQL, JDOQL and ObjectDB extensions. Setting "JPQL" is useful

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) that adds support of ObjectDB as a data source and JPQL as a data set ... source. Data Sets and JPQL To create the data set: Entry a JPQL or a JDOQL query and click Finish