ObjectDB ObjectDB

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How to resolve 404 errors with Eclipse/Maven Spring MVC

abandon eclipse and use the maven command line to deploy this Spring MVC web app to jetty and point ... . support Support Please see http://www.heintze.com/temp/hello-spring-mvc-annotated-tomcat6.zip . I don't ... (instead of importing a project): http://www.heintze.com/temp/hello-spring-mvc-annotated-tomcat6

Spring MVC configuration files

Hi!! how are you guys? I have been working with Spring MVC framework and it is really helpful, but now I have a question, as you know Spring MVC framework create by default the xml configuration files and I would like to know if the is a way to create automatic java based configuration file instead

How to enhance the JPA/Spring/MVC to implement RESTfull for CURL client?

Here is my attempt to enhance the JPA/MVC/eclipse tutorial to implement a RESTful service. Why does this not work with this curl command? I get 404. Can someone help me correct this? Do I need to change my web.xml servlet mapping in web.xml? I've been experimenting with and nothing seems to work

Spring MVC Errors

MVC Tutorial GuestBook... 3.) I'm using Tomcat and I don't get the last part of the tutorial

ObjectDB Object Database Features

integration with Tomcat, Jetty, GlassFish, WildFly, Spring MVC and Spring Boot. Operating Modes Client ... Application Tutorial (Tomcat/Jetty). Java EE Web Tutorial (GlassFish/JBoss). Spring MVC Framework Web

JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

: Quick Start with JPA JPA Web Application Java EE JPA Spring MVC and JPA Similarly, enhancement

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

project. To add dependency on the Spring MVC Framework and ObjectDB and to automatically download ... you should have a Maven based Eclipse dynamic web project (WTP) with Spring MVC Framework and ObjectDB

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

under Project Files in the [Project] window: To add dependency on the Spring MVC Framework and ObjectDB ... > Now you should have a Maven based NetBeans web project with Spring MVC Framework and ObjectDB/JPA support. The next step is creating a JPA Entity class.

Java EE Web Tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to create and run a full Java EE 6 MVC (Model View Controller) web application using GlassFish, ObjectDB and JPA. Since this web application uses Java EE 6 EJB (session beans) it requires a full Java EE 6 application server, such as GlassFish 3.0.1 or JBoss AS 6

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

Operations on the database will be performed by an instance of a Data Access Object (DAO) that we will define in this step as a Spring MVC component: Open the [New Java Class] dialog box by right clicking the guest package node (in the [Projects] window under Source Packages) and selecting New

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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