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Index Definition

indexes, but JDO does. The following entity definition uses JDO’s api/java/jdo/annotations/Index">@Index and api/java/jdo/annotations/Unique">@Uniqueapi/java/jpa/Entity">@Entity public class

Numbers in JPQL and Criteria Queries

(which are described above) are available also as JPA criteria query expressions. The api ... : api/java/jpa/criteria/Expression">Expression<Integer> path = country.api/java/jpa/criteria/Path/get_String">get("population"); api/java/jpa/criteria

CRUD Database Operations with JPA

Given an api/java/jpa/EntityManager">EntityManager, em.api/java/jpa/EntityManager/getTransaction">getTransaction().api/java/jpa/EntityTransaction/begin">begin(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i

JPA Named Queries

and @NamedQueries Annotations The following api/java/jpa/NamedQuery ... -java"> api/java/jpa/NamedQuery">@NamedQuery(api/java/jpa/NamedQuery/name">name="Country.findAll", api/java/jpa/NamedQuery/query">query="SELECT c FROM Country c

JPA Persistable Types

a class as an entity is to mark it with the api/java/jpa/Entity">Entity annotation: import javax.persistence.Entity; api/java/jpa/Entity">@api/java/jpa/Entity">Entity public class MyEntity { } Entity


> in this API in order to work around the fact that Java generics are not compatible with varags. Learn how to define queries using the criteria API in ... method"> api/java/jpa/criteria/Expression" title

Running JPA Queries

The api/java/jpa/Query">Query interface defines two methods for running SELECT queries: api/java/jpa/Query/getSingleResult ... . api/java/jpa/Query/getResultList">Query.getResultList


Static Field api/java/jdo/Constants" title="Interface in javax.jdo ... for the XML schema of the standard JDO object-relational mapping metadata file.


Static Field api/java/jdo/Constants" title="Interface in javax.jdo ... for the DTD of the standard JDO object-relational mapping metadata file.