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JDO support vs JPA

Hi, I am about to update the JDO metadata in the package.jdo files ... how the XML metadata should look in version 2. I found only small fragments of attributes in the description ... > So my questions to this are: 1. Is there some description of XML metadata for ObjectDB ver2 using

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

/glassfish/glassfish/domains/dex/applications/metamodel-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT/lib/slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar ... :/usr/local/glassfish/glassfish/domains/dex/applications/metamodel-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT/lib/javaee-api-6 ... .api.DelegatingClassLoader@43de6a4f AT Thu Jun 02 14:19:14 CEST 2016 BY :java.lang.Throwable

Indexing a field results in internal Exception

been a fan of JDO as it's a hugely easer API and gets work done with a lot less metadata. metadata in either of them, so you can stay with JPA and just remove the ORM metadata

Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries

>. Date and Time in Criteria Queries The api/java/jpa ... ="pre-java"> // Create current date expression: api/java/jpa/criteria/Expression">Expression<javax.sql.Date> date = cb.api/java/jpa/criteria/CriteriaBuilder

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

;(api/java/jpa/criteria/CriteriaQuery/select_Selection_">select, api/java/jpa/criteria/CriteriaQuery/distinct_boolean">distinct, api/java/jpa/criteria/CriteriaQuery/multiselect_Selection__">multiselect, api

ObjectDB Object Database Features

part of ObjectDB's support of the api/java/jpa">JPA and api/java/jdo">JDO APIs. Fundamental features of relational databases (e.g. primary keys, derived attributes ... >Standard Persistence APIs ObjectDB is the only Object-Oriented Database

Updating JPA Entity Objects

transaction: Employee employee = em.api/java/jpa/EntityManager/find_Class__Object">find(Employee.class, 1); em.api/java/jpa/EntityManager/getTransaction">getTransaction().api/java/jpa/EntityTransaction/begin">begin(); employee


="/api/java/jpa/criteria/Expression" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Expression<V> , api/java/jpa/criteria/FetchParent" title="Interface ... ="/api/java/jpa/criteria/From" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">From<Z,V>


="/api/java/jpa/criteria/Expression" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Expression<E> , api/java/jpa/criteria/FetchParent" title ... ="/api/java/jpa/criteria/From" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">From<Z,E>


="superinterfaces"> Superinterfaces: api ... > , api/java/jpa/criteria/FetchParent" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">FetchParent<Z,X> , api