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Mapped By Fetch is very Slow

Well ! I think i pointed out a HUGE performance issue with mapped-by attribute (yeah ... "mapped-by". You obtain 1 second max of query fetch. So my performance issue ... ") // Test by adding / remove "mappedBy" public MyEntityChild getEntityChild() {   return entityChild

Suspected memleak caused by bad state of EntityManager

after every creating and using. We find a slow memleak in our application recently, and by trace of Entity construct and finalize, we found the problem is caused by bad state of EntityManager. After first ... , but it can be closed and retrieved by EntityManagerFactory, and the instances of Entity constructed by

Merge of entity classes with "mapped by" very slow

Hi, I have found a strange behavior when merging entities with "mapped by ... > Attached two examples - one with mapped by, second with adding entities list without "mapped by". The difference is huge event for such small objects - 2ms (without mapped by) vs ~50ms

persistence.xml classes not respected by ObjectDB

machine. By adding class by class into that one, it seems that they ODB didn't merge all classes, as ... . Take as a proof the fact that they don't appear in the development DB, the DB that got added class by class, as development went by. Providing an example is a little bit more problematic

find repeated records by JPQL

( at image.cleanDB.main( Caused by: com.objectdb.o.UserException ... :197) at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList( ... 1 more Caused by: java ... way as MySQL? TIA gzdillon Lai Yang Subqueries are not support by ObjectDB

Multi threading on DMOs by lazy loading

It is possible to use lazy loading on fields of attached entities by several threads ... . Thread1 access fieldX by lazy loading. Thread2 access fieldY by lazy loading. Thread3 access list by lazy loading. Does the multi threading access on different fields work

Connection is closed Caused by:

but will fail after an undetermined period. Caused by: com ... ) ... 39 more Caused by: at com.objectdb.o.NTS.z( ... might create EntityManager instances without closing them. By

How to disable use of graphic windows by objectDB

.objectdb.Server.main( Caused by: GhostRider: Name ... .java:107) at com.objectdb.Server.main( Caused by: ... at com.objectdb.Server.main( Caused by:

Blocked by find

(String id, Object obj)" method which is synchronized and attempts to load an object by id using ... .ObjectDbInstanceContainer@9c71a4 owned by: DEV1-WSAgent-1-Existing/3 Total blocked: 190 Total waited ... "> Name: uatsrtlonw342-WSAgent-1-New/4 State: BLOCKED on com.objectdb.o.LKM@254e85f4 owned by: ODB

Bulk load of eager mapped by (inverse) relationships

When a collection of objects is retrieved by ObjectDB (e.g. by a query) ordinary ... for better performance. However, inverse (mapped by) references that have to be loaded eagerly ... should load eager mapped by (inverse) fields in bulk as well. support Support Bulk load