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Retrieval by Access bug?

retrieve by navigation a field from a collection? Thanks in advance. Pablo.

Will Entire JPQL Supported by ObjectDb?

Advance , Jana janu019 Janardhana Some JPQL features are not supported yet by

Finding an object by its datetime

of course). My resultlist from my query gets zero results. I want to search for objects by exact

Group by: list if no aggregate function is specified

Hello! In a query like SELECT parent, children FROM Parent parent LEFT JOIN p.children children GROUP BY parent maybe it would be good if it will return a list of Object[2], where the second object is a list of children of a parent. Because creating

Update more than 10000 entities by an update query fails

Hello, following example tries to update more than 10000 entities by an update query. But only the first 10000 elements are updated. What's wrong?   public class updateMoreThan10000Elements { static int

getting "Unexpected total page count" error when diagnosis mu db by ObjectDB doctor.

getting "Unexpected total page count" error when diagnosis mu db by ObjectDB doctor.

Can you implement fastest Native JPA for MySQL by ClusterJ like?

Can you implement fastest Native JPA for MySQL by ClusterJ like?

Version 2.5.6 enhancement problem solved by updating to version 2.5.7_03

Version 2.5.6 enhancement problem solved by updating to version 2.5.7_03

fetch by enum

fetch by enum

Incorrect entity returned by query

Incorrect entity returned by query