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What role is the JDO in ObjectDB?

Mike Keith believe the JDO is out of date. Then what role of JDO in ObjectDB ... > gzdillon Lai Yang There is no plan to remove JDO support from ObjectDB. On the contrary, new JDO features are expected to be added to  future versions of ObjectDB. Support of JDO by

ObjectDB 2.x is working without any activation code

Hi, I downloaded the objectDB from the and then added the objectdb.jar in my classpath. I used the default objectdb.conf file present in the objectdb.jar file and it is working without any activation code

How to use ObjectDB properly in spring boot application?

I have a spring boot application with objectdb embedded database. I ... /persistence/overview"> Below is a sample ... -objectdb questions are usually related to regular spring or previous objectdb versions (before to 2.6

Getting com.objectdb.o.UserException:

error when I launch the application. Please help. com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to create ... \odb20120904.log' at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( at com.objectdb.o.LFL.L( at com.objectdb.o.LFL.I( at com.objectdb.o.LFL.I( at com.objectdb.o.LGM.<init>

Sometimes the ObjectDB throws an internal expeption if a find() was executed

Sometimes the ObjectDB throws an internal exception if a find() was executed. It is a sporadic issue that occurs only with Objectdb 2.7.0_b2 and only if the entites are enhanced. (We don't enabled the new property "objectdb.temp.extended-ref-retrieval

Adding objectdb-jee.jar to the maven repository

Hi, I can only find objectdb.jar releases in the ObjectDB maven repository. Would it be possible to include objectdb-jee.jar for the current and future maven ... the Maven repository doesn't include objectdb-jee.jar releases. The difference between

[ObjectDB 2.6.7_04] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

: [ObjectDB 2.6.7_04] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by ... com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null java.lang.NullPointerException at com.objectdb.o.MMM.aj( at com.objectdb.o.UTY.aC

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

myself in to using a specific database. In a project that uses said library, I'm using ObjectDB ... , since it implements the JPA. ObjectDB's been doing a great job so far and I'm glad I found it. ObjectDB and the JDO API expose the same classes. I was wondering

com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Failed to locate set method for field property using reflection

="stacktrace"> Caused by: com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Failed to locate set method for field property domain.PlatformTicker.platformConnector using reflection at com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException.b( at com.objectdb.o.JPE.g( at com

ObjectDB 2.7.2_x Doctor Yields "Index Requires Rebuild" Always

Take a .odb created with ObjectDB 2.7.2 or later OR EARLIER.  Run ObjectDB 2.7.2 Doctor on it.  See indexing errors reported. Run ObjectDB 2.7.1 on same .odb and you will not see indexing errors. Run ObjectDB 2.7.2 (or later or earlier) Doctor with repair