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Need help to analyse very high memory usage by objectdb (PRU, SEV, VAL[])

.objectdb.o.PRU (49%) com.objectdb.o.SEV (29%) and com.objectdb.oVAL [] (9%). When debugging ... _08 in embedded mode. btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Small hint @ObjectDB (not related ... ; Helo command [] blocked using;

Reading 1.x odb files in ObjectDB 2.x without upgrading

without upgrading it ? Thanks binitbhaskar Binit Bhaskar Old ObjectDB 1.x databases cannot be opened directly by ObjectDB 2.x, but can be converted to ObjectDB 2.x format ... (converter.jar) to your software and run it automatically to create for every ObjectDB 1.x database a copy

Stalling on "run File" in Netbeans when using -javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar

This is not a question to ObjectDB support, it is a discussion item for ObjectDB ... /objectdb.jar where there is a lib folder under the main project folder. This works ... ;-javaagent:lib/objectdb.jar is present in the VM Options, in which case the class begins to execute

using DbUnit with ObjectDb

Are there any examples about how to use DbUnit with ObjectDB? DbUnit ... "); but with objectDb this gives: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl cannot be cast to org.eclipse.persistence

ObjectDB's Database Doctor Incorrect Error Report

me that one of my objects is missing.  Looking at the database with ObjectDB's Database Explorer ... somehow this was not enforced by ObjectDB. This was fixed now so starting the next build ... ; I don't suppose though that ObjectDB could support the 256KB max page size? 

using objectdb.jar in writing data to mariadb or mysql db

the objectdb.jar to write to mariadb or mysql using native java JPA API and in some cases JPQL or must i store to an Objectdb unique database? Moreso, does Objectdb have backup tools to back up the singular object database file created. How reliable in a production environment is this? Can objectdb handle

Using Scala collections with ObjectDB

;persistable within ObjectDB. Am I missing something or must  ObjectDB Software Ltd do a specific ... , which is not implemented yet by ObjectDB. I will check if this could be solved in one of the next builds. support Support Following your post I ran some tests of using ObjectDB in Scala

How to track memory leak with ObjectDb.

OOM very fast ) In fact, some com.objectdb.o.MST objects are retaining a huge ... carrefully the memory leak issue. That's is very hard to debug because of obfuscated objectdb code. Well, objectdb is closed source, ok so ... but, in production case

JPA Persistence Unit

unit is optional when using ObjectDB, but required by JPA. objectdb.jpa.Provider</provider> <mapping-file>META-INF/mappingFile.xml</mapping-file ... ;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="objectdb://localhost/my.odb"/>

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

. To add dependency on the Spring MVC Framework and ObjectDB and to automatically download ... ; <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.objectdb.tutorial.spring< ... ;objectdb</id> <name>ObjectDB Repository</name> <url>https://m2.objectdb