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How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

, client server mode supports accessing a database concurrently from multiple processes (embedded mode supports concurrently only within a JVM, i.e. multithreading, but not accessing the database from ... automatic server at the background, and any attempt to access the database while it is open in

Class loading problem with private packages in OSGi environment

: dependent, global” dependent: Allows access to all packages (also private) of a bundle which itself has a dependency on the ObjectDB bundle. global: Allows access to all public packages of all bundles ... > ObjectDB is in another bundle and can only access classes and interfaces in other bundles

Password Protect Database File

it they cannot access the data without some kind of password? I would imagine accessing the database from java could just have another connection parameter while accessing from explorer.jar/exe ... the open for anyone that has access to see. Alternatively, If someone were to break into their servers

EM close causes an exception

, if parallel processes access different files in the same directory. We had to change the implemention so that it works also in Linux. Do you need a hint how we solved the access on temporarily files ... >But we still get the following exception, if parallel threads access the db: java

Unable to persist fields in subclass

; import javax.persistence.Access; import javax.persistence.AccessType; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; /** * @author david * */ @MappedSuperclass @Access(AccessType.PROPERTY ... .persistence.Access; import javax.persistence.AccessType; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax

multiple connection using share folder

and when i am share my application in share folder and access the application from other system in that time ... can access my single objectdb database from multiple system  prateek Prateek gupta In ... embedded-server mode to enable concurrent database access from multiple

Missing Data on Retrieval (0, null values)

of lazy loading. If you see them in the debugger before accessing the result object then this is normal. If you access objects by reflection (and not by invoking property methods or accessing the fields directly) then you must make sure that data is fetched from the database

database corrupt

>             <dir path="/" permissions="access ... ;       <dir path="/$user/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete"> ... /windowsserver/en-US/7336d31b-6c24-468a-9c47-750244ae3a8c/moved-to-server-2012-getting-access-database

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

> Entities: @Entity @Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class SuperClass ... "> @Entity @Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassA extends SuperClass { @Basic public ... > ChildClassB: @Entity @Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassB

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

>Do you have recovery enabled? Is there a chance that the database file is accessed concurrently by ... mode (single process multi-threaded access), one database only, running inside a xen vm (Intel Core ... is somehow accessed concurrently by two instances of ObjectDB (e.g. two separate class loader