Internal Website Search

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Update is ignored by ObjectDB

should not be defined as public and accessed or modified directly from ... be defined as public and accessed or modified directly from other classes. access to fields simplifies code porting and direct JSON

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

;of LightingZone accessed via getL_LightingZone().getEls(). This plays no role  in the problem ... find/identify this problem, as I did not imagine that performing the load access inside ... > But this (just accessing the is not:

Java 9 support

modules and how they all work and access each other and ... yikes! So my tool takes the approach of trying to detect what is offered by a package and "well, I better make it accessible because I don't really know which is and is not supposed to be accessible, but if every module can access

Query fails with failed to read

Searching for this error message (in English) "The process cannot access the file ... -ec3a1159279d/the-process-cannot-access-the-file-because-another-process-has-locked-a-portion-of-the-file-57 ... -b3d2-ec3a1159279d/the-process-cannot-access-the-file-because-another-process-has-locked-a-portion

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

.prePaintDirtyRegions( at javax.swing.RepaintManager.access$1100(RepaintManager ... ( at java.awt.EventQueue.access$400( at java.awt.EventQueue$3 ... .RepaintManager.prePaintDirtyRegions( at javax.swing.RepaintManager.access$1100


Method java.lang.ThrowableStackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() Provides programmatic access to the stack trace


> Return an object of the specified type to allow access


.PersistenceManager.deletePersistent . Access to field values


after the instance transitions to persistent-deleted. Access to field values is not permitted.


which this call is made allows access to the PersistenceManager and other persistent JDO instances.