ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

@Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class SuperClass { public SuperClass() { } } ChildClassA: @Entity @Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassA extends SuperClass { @Basic public ... : @Entity @Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassB extends SuperClass { @Basic public

How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?

-server mode. Unlike embedded mode, client server mode supports accessing a database concurrently from ... accessing the database from different processes / JVMs). Alternatively you may try a new ... at the background, and any attempt to access the database while it is open in embedded mode

Class loading problem with private packages in OSGi environment

” dependent: Allows access to all packages (also private) of a bundle which itself has a dependency on the ObjectDB bundle. global: Allows access to all public packages of all bundles ... the classloader of the bundle of the entity. And not his own. ObjectDB is in another bundle and can only access


Method javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory PersistenceUnitUtil getPersistenceUnitUtil() Return interface providing access to utility methods for the persistence unit. Returns: PersistenceUnitUtil interface Throws: IllegalStateException - if the entity manager factory has been closed Since: JPA 2.0

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property Element.id using reflection

property access mode (most ObjectDB users use field access mode and are not affected). A critical ... appears. That makes enhancement almost unusable when property access mode is used. When an entity class with property access is enhanced but reflection is used (e.g. due to the first bug), the wrapper

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

@Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class SuperClass { public SuperClass() { } } ChildClassA: @Entity @Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassA extends SuperClass { @Basic public ... : @Entity @Access(AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassB extends SuperClass { @Basic public

database corrupt

="/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete" /> </user> <user username="$default" password="$$$###"> <dir path="/$user/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete"> <quota directories="5" files="20" disk-space ... /windowsserver/en-US/7336d31b-6c24-468a-9c47-750244ae3a8c/moved-to-server-2012-getting-access-database


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void setMultithreaded( boolean flag ) Set the Multithreaded flag for this PersistenceManager. Applications that use multiple threads to invoke methods or access fields from instances managed by this PersistenceManager must set this flag to true. Instances managed


which this call is made allows access to the PersistenceManager and other persistent JDO instances. Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.listener.LoadCallback void jdoPostLoad() Called after the values are loaded from the data store into this instance. This method is not modified by the enhancer. Derived fields should be initialized in this method. The context in which this call is made does not allow access to other persistent JDO instances. Since: JDO 2.0

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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