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1-10 of 200 resultsRefreshJPA Annotations for Access Modes Persistence fields can either be accessed by JPA directly (as fields) or indirectly (as properties and get/set methods). JPA 2 provides an annotation and an enum for setting the access mode: access"> More details are provided | |
Can I use ObjectDB to access a relational database?To access relational databases using the Java Persistence API (JPA) you will need an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool, such as Hibernate, TopLink, EclipseLink, Open JPA or DataNucleus ... is a full featured standalone Object Database Management System (ODBMS) and not an ORM tool, so it is not intended and cannot be used to access other database management systems. | |
How to access database object to my application.Hi, I want to access a object which contains some value like id,name,college and address ... below, please check. 1: GetterSetter method 2: Creating object for insert data 3: For Access data. Here object created and value inserted successfully but when i am trying to access that object | |
javax.persistence.Access Access Target: Classes ... an access type to be applied to an entity class, mapped superclass, or embeddable class, or to a specific ... Access/value" title="Annotation Element of javax.persistence | |
Access.value="context">Access" title="Annotation in javax.persistence">javax.persistence.AccessAccessType ... access. Since: JPA 2.0 | |
JPA Entity Fields when the entity object is first accessed. Version Field ObjectDB maintains a version number ... accessible to your application by marking the version fields in your entity classes with the Property Access When an entity is being stored in | |
NullPointer when accessing entity field> It is very strange that the problem occurs when accessing field of enhanced class but not ... ;during an access operation that required reloading of the object from the database. The state ... when an object is accessed in one thread while the EntityManager is manipulated | |
[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server can be accessed by multiple processes simultaneously. In addition, the server supports accessing ... " password="admin" address=""> <dir path="/"> <permissions access ... the data directory containing all the database files that the server is allowed to access and manage | |
[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects, is not supported by ObjectDB. Accessing the object ID of a persistent object can be done as ... because the database only has to be accessed once, as part of the commit(). Object Names Chapter 7 is devoted to JDOQL queries. Retrieval by Access When an object is retrieved | |
[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes classes, etc. The class members (constructors, methods and fields) can have any access modifiers (i.e ... persistence capable classes. Persistence Aware Classes Classes that access or modify ... to classes that are not persistent but contain code that accesses or modifies persistent fields |