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Access ClassTransformer

Hello, As in our OSGI Environment, we do need to manually weave classes. To be able to do so, we'd need access to the ClassTransformer from ObjectDB. However, there's only the global enhancer api which is not of any help. There's the JEhancerAgent which seems to implement

Exception while accessing the Persistence unit ...?

: (Note eclipse is deploying the application and I can access the web page but I am unable to do any

Many clients access same database

Hi, I have a program to manage clients of my tennis club. But we have several different computer programs open that access the database. How can I implement this topology so that there is one Persistence context for all the client programs on the different computers.

Accessing archived SDK

Hi,   My team currently uses an older version of objectdb, 2.4.6_10. We have services running in production so upgrading the version is not an option at the moment.  Is there a way to access the ObjectDB development kit that has been archived?

Accessing objects to make them available after EntityManager close?!

objects are null). Accessing objects in a loop while the 

EntityManager.find(entityClass, primaryKey) is slow when accessing non-existent IDs

(entityClass, primaryKey) is slow when accessing * non-existent IDs. * * Select queries

Access objectdb.conf as class loader resource

Access objectdb.conf as class loader resource

dual access

dual access

ObjectDB tries to create a File in a localtion without write access

(Access is denied) at Method) at

Super class' field access fails

access is not an issue with objectdb. I do queries on private fields all the time