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101-150 of 200 resultsBeanCreationException in spring data JPA with objectDB exception is java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.springframework.core ... on object creation; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org ... ) ... 75 more Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.springframework.core | |
Cannot cast com.objectdb.jpa.Provider to PersistenceProvider.doCommand( at com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl. access $1500 ... .strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy. access $100( at org.glassfish.grizzly ... ( at com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.CommandRunnerImpl. access $1500 | |
Composite Index error 328 = -1"), } ) @Indices( { @javax.jdo.annotations.Index(members = {"id","pwd"," access "}) } ) public ... Integer mail; private int access ; private short programType; private Date regDate; private Date regEnd ... = " access ") public int getAccess() { return access ; } public void setAccess(int access ) { this. access | |
virtual servers and one file, but the desire for virtualization is apparently increasing. We suspect that Object DB uses random access files access and only part of the virtual file is in the virtual server's cache. Have you ever heard ... you and best regards Arne Arne Arne Stocker Hi, We suspect that Object DB uses random access files access | |
Trouble bug on explorer.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.EventQueue. access $000( ... .EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.EventQueue. access $000( ... access ; private int programType; private Date regDate; private Date regEnd; private String jxtaUUID | |
Java 9 support and how they all work and access each other and ... yikes! So my tool takes the approach of trying to detect what is offered by a package and "well, I better make it accessible because I don't really know which is and is not supposed to be accessible , but if every module can access it, then at least it will work | |
How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?.conf to give 256KB disk accesses and use PersistenceManager L1 ref=soft caching and datastore ... page? Data that was collocated by a datafile access ? Arbitrary data pulled from all accesses over a datastore file? Are the cache entries entire persisted entity objects or fields | |
Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement() below is a a generic List wrapping entity, with the list of LightingZone accessed via getL ... /identify this problem, as I did not imagine that performing the load access inside an if statement ... accessing the is not: Long idPresent = lz.getPresent().getId();//NOT ENOUGH if (idPresent | |
How to open a running db in ObjectDB Explorer?-server mode. Unlike embedded mode, client server mode supports accessing a database concurrently from ... , but not accessing the database from different processes / JVMs). Alternatively you may try a new ... , and any attempt to access the database while it is open in embedded mode is automatically routed | |
Class loading problem with private packages in OSGi environment: dependent, global” dependent: Allows access to all packages (also private) of a bundle which itself has a dependency on the ObjectDB bundle. global: Allows access to all public packages of all bundles ... another bundle and can only access classes and interfaces in other bundles if they are exported. ObjectDB | |
Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass.close(); emf.close(); } Entities: @Entity @ Access (AccessType.FIELD) public class SuperClass { public SuperClass() { } } ChildClassA: @Entity @ Access (AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassA extends ... () { } } ChildClassB: @Entity @ Access (AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassB extends SuperClass { @Basic | |
after upgrade to 2.9.0 database destroys, urgent issue at our most important customer, production shutdown: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked part of the file Normally there should be only one process that accesses the database file. Accessing a database from multiple processes ... there was a situation in which more than one process accessed the database? Again, version 2.9.0 uses exactly | |
Password Protect Database File Is there a way to encrypt the odb file so that if hackers somehow steal it they cannot access the data without some kind of password? I would imagine accessing the database from java could just have another connection parameter while accessing from explorer.jar/exe would need to prompt the user | |
Unable to persist fields in subclass.StringProperty; import javax.persistence. Access ; import javax.persistence.AccessType; import javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass; /** * @author david * */ @MappedSuperclass @ Access (AccessType.PROPERTY ... miscTests; import java.time.LocalDate; import javax.persistence. Access ; import javax.persistence | |
multiple connection using share folder my application in share folder and access the application from other system in that time my objectdb database shows database is used in other process . so i want to know how i can access my single ... database access from multiple processes. support Support ok i got it but can you plz send | |
EM close causes an exception with temporarily files and locking in Linux, if parallel processes access different files in the same directory ... the access on temporarily files with file locking? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Is it related ... checked the update. But we still get the following exception, if parallel threads access the db: java | |
ObectDb 2.3.6 in OSGi environment.objectDb as required bundle, and the simple access to the db: @Override public TypedQuery ... ( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner. access $000( at org.junit ... ) at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner. access $000( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2 | |
Possible issue with LAZY Loading whether the test I've created is just causing it to be loaded because I accessed it. pedwards Paul ... is inaccessible to the application. The additional data is accessible if entity objects are managed by ... " which is marked as LAZY, and then try and access them, they all return happily. pedwards Paul Edwards LAZY | |
How to have a distribuited GWT application with ObjectDB and Spring? A needs to access the remote database in hosts of point B or Point C. As database we use Objectdb ... and application. I've learnt that with Spring it's possible to create REST services to access ... , which would be accessed from all the hosts, rather than a separate database for every host. support Support | |
system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB GuestDao.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy. access $100( at org ... .WorkerThreadIOStrategy. access $100( at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies ... .glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy. access $100( at org | |
Dependency from enhanced classes to the objectDB library( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner. access $000( at org.junit ... .runChildren( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner. access $000( ... .ParentRunner.runChildren( at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner. access $000(ParentRunner | |
Missing Data on Retrieval (0, null values). If you see them in the debugger before accessing the result object then this is normal. If you access objects by reflection (and not by invoking property methods or accessing the fields directly ... . This could be done, for example, by accessing a persistent field directly (with no reflection) from | |
javax.persistence.Query an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API. If the provider's query | |
Query.unwrap(cls) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.Query T unwrap ( Class cls ) Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API. If the provider's query implementation does not support the specified class, the PersistenceException is thrown. Parameters: cls | |
javax.persistence.StoredProcedureQuery an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API. If the provider's query | |
javax.persistence.TypedQuery unwrap (Class cls) Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider | |
javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel JPA Interface Metamodel Provides access to the metamodel of persistent entities in the persistence unit. Since: JPA 2.0 Public Methods EmbeddableType embeddable (Class cls) Return the metamodel embeddable type representing the embeddable class. Parameters: cls - the type of the represented | |
com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null) at javax.swing.RepaintManager. access $1100( at javax.swing.RepaintManager ... .java:311) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl( at java.awt.EventQueue. access ... .prePaintDirtyRegions( at javax.swing.RepaintManager. access $1100( | |
Query fails with failed to read) "The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file" shows ... ; at java.awt.EventQueue. access $500(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue$3 ... ObjectDB locks the database file when it is in use so accessing the database with the Explorer | |
ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection application (#1) demonstrates critical bugs in ObjectDB when using property access mode (most ObjectDB users use field access mode and are not affected). A critical Enhancer bug in handling ... almost unusable when property access mode is used. When an entity class with property access | |
Best practise loading big data data access on a large 2 dimansional table. Internally we used a list entities which hold a list ... within a MyStep instance can reach 10.000. We have some prominent scenarios to access these values. Creating and traversing. For the traversing we access the data block by block - in each block step by | |
Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass.close(); emf.close(); } Entities: @Entity @ Access (AccessType.FIELD) public class SuperClass { public SuperClass() { } } ChildClassA: @Entity @ Access (AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassA extends ... () { } } ChildClassB: @Entity @ Access (AccessType.FIELD) public class ChildClassB extends SuperClass { @Basic | |
Unexpected error when loading all entity instance file is accessed concurrently by two different processes directly (i.e. not using one server process ... : embedded mode (single process multi-threaded access ), one database only, running inside a xen vm ... ? It may eliminate the small chance that the database file is somehow accessed concurrently by two instances | |
No Entity Class API Both JPA and JDO are based on accessing and managing data in the database using persistable ... , this is very convenient. Sometimes, however, it might be useful to access data without user defined persistable classes ... and should not be bound to specific entity classes and persistent fields. Therefore, an API for accessing | |
Freeze during save.RMIConnectionImpl. access $300( at ... .util.thread.QueuedThreadPool. access $800( at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread ... .eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool. access $800( at org.eclipse | |
Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct); } Alternatively you can use JOIN FETCH, accessing the field in your EJB's findElements , etc. 2. Switch ... at all is that loading should be triggered via the JSF EL access to the property, in this case ownedElements ... of the collection once the property/field is access , such as by a JSF page EL expression. This is a massive | |
javax.jdo.Extent a PersistenceManager ; this method gives access to the owning PersistenceManager . Return: the owning | |
Extent.getPersistenceManager() - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.Extent PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager () An Extent is managed by a PersistenceManager ; this method gives access to the owning PersistenceManager . Return: the owning PersistenceManager Since: JDO 1.0 | |
javax.jdo.JDODetachedFieldAccessException.JDODetachedFieldAccessException This class represents exceptions caused by access of an unloaded field while the instance | |
javax.jdo.JDOObjectNotFoundException.JDOObjectNotFoundException This class represents exceptions caused by the user accessing an object that does not exist in | |
PersistenceManager.setMultithreaded(flag) - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void setMultithreaded ( boolean flag ) Set the Multithreaded flag for this PersistenceManager . Applications that use multiple threads to invoke methods or access fields from instances managed by this PersistenceManager must set this flag | |
javax.jdo.Query, but might be specified via setResultClass . A hidden field may be accessed using the 'this' qualifier | |
javax.jdo.listener.ClearLifecycleListener, so access to fields is not mediated. Parameters: event - the clear event. Since: JDO 2.0 | |
ClearLifecycleListener.preClear(event) - JDO Method modified by the enhancer, so access to fields is not mediated. Parameters: event - the clear event. Since: JDO 2.0 | |
DeleteLifecycleListener.preDelete(event) - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.listener.DeleteLifecycleListener void preDelete ( InstanceLifecycleEvent event ) Invoked whenever a persistent instance is deleted, for example during javax.jdo.PersistenceManager.deletePersistent . Access to field values within this call are permitted | |
DeleteLifecycleListener.postDelete(event) - JDO Method to persistent-deleted. Access to field values is not permitted. Parameters: event - the delete event. Since: JDO 2.0 | |
javax.jdo.listener.LoadCallback this method. The context in which this call is made does not allow access to other persistent JDO instances. Since: JDO 2.0 | |
LoadCallback.jdoPostLoad() - JDO Method access to other persistent JDO instances. Since: JDO 2.0 | |
javax.jdo.listener.StoreCallback fields will be reflected in the data store. The context in which this call is made allows access | |
StoreCallback.jdoPreStore() - JDO Method which this call is made allows access to the PersistenceManager and other persistent JDO instances. Since: JDO 2.0 |