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181-190 of 200 resultsRefresh

Unexpeted internal exception

, mappedBy = "paises", cascade = CascadeType.ALL) private ListProperty<GS_TablaCiudades>

Attempt to refresh a non managed entity object (error 635)

> (explicitly or implicitly by cascading) on a non managed entity object, i.e. a new entity object

config optimizing

;    <cascade-persist always="auto" on-persist="false" on-commit="true" />

Problem with merging / persisitng objects with @Embeddable field

= FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType.ALL) List<ProductDemand> productDemands;

ObjectDB 2.3.3

) collection fields with cascading persist after updating the database and before commit

ObjectDB 2.7.1

Fixed a critical bug that may cause database corruption (issue #1977). Improved error messages on entity operation exceptions. Fixed a NullPointerException on cascading persist throw

ObjectDB 2.7.6

Added support of an option to disable broken reference cleaning in the Doctor (feature request #2341). Added support of cascading delete using JDO (feature request #2329). Added logging

ObjectDB 2.7.3

Fixed a bug in query execution optimization (issue #2170). Fixed cascading delete through unloaded (lazy) relationships. Fixed a NullPointerException when using

ObjectDB 2.5.7

> Fixed a bug in cascading remove when orphan removal is set. Fixed an

ObjectDB 2.0.0

files. Fixed cascading through inverse (mapped by) fields. Fixed