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Activated ObjectDB still throws "Too many persistable types"

;10) - exceeds evaluation limit I have already reactivated and checked that my objectdb ... license checks. Upgrading to 2.4.4 could cause problems only if the activation is not set correctly ... > Could you please check both with 2.4.4 and tell which works and which doesn't? support Support

Maven host down?

/ resolve dependency for new ODB build and seems to be down. Can you check ... >Maybe it was a temporary problem. Could you please check again? support Support It's working fine now. Thanks for checking. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

Replication error on slave restart

version-check="true" /> <processing cache="64mb" max-threads="8" /> <query-cache ... ;recording enabled="false" sync="false" path="." mode="write" />   <locking version-check="true ... ? Can you check when the database file (and recording files if enabled) are physically updated? Maybe

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

="/java/jpa/setting/database#the_locking_element">disable optimistic locking checks  ... >) is used by the different plugins? Could you please check if the same Java instance ... are identical. I checked all of this with a debugger.   We had a similar

EM close causes an exception

>Could you please try it? support Support I checked the update. support Support I checked it in only one JVM with multiple threads. But in this scenario ... >Please also double check that when the exception is thrown with 2 JVMs running the test case, you have 2 distinct

Optimistic locking: prevent version increment on entity collection attribute

app), I create the readings in one call and I try to read them in another call. I checked ... is that the entity is detached between the calls, check this issue and the This should affect. An eager collection should be loaded with the containing entity. Check

Indexes broken after schema update

> Could you please check the database with the Doctor? support Support > java -cp objectdb.jar com ... Ben Steele Please check the attached file. It cannot be opened as an ObjectDB database file ... - it checks that the data is fine and that the indexes are fine but currently it doesn't check

Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer

that the system is using version 2.7.1_01. Could you please double check it (sometimes the old ... for us with that version. We double checked the version and also use Maven we did run Doctor after switching ... that was created by the Doctor in May when you switched to 2.7.1_01 it could help in checking if the issue

Unexpected exception during query, if entity is not enhanced

Hello, the entity TCVector is not enhanced and the enhancement check in ... why? We had expected that the activated enhancement check would throw an exception. check if you still get the exception after rebuilding

Query fails with failed to read

of the exception (strange that nothing is written to ObjectDB log, please check both the client ... ObjectDB? maybe Jetty restart?). You should try to check the system log for activity at the time ... for this on our application level This is strange. ObjectDB throws an exception. Just checked