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Query causes an nternal exeption

>The reason was missing entity classes in the classpath during migration of the database

EntityManager.find(entityClass, primaryKey) is slow when accessing non-existent IDs

: Could not find any META-INF/persistence.xml file in the classpath 11:00:49.562 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate

Enhancement Check

. apparently ObjectDB found real classes in the classpath for them (unless there is an unexpected

objectdb:2.8.4 - Error occurred during initialization of boot layer

-classpath "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.1\lib\idea_rt.jar;C:\Program Files

ObjectDB and Hibernate in one JVM?

the classpath (try both options). You may also try using objectdb-jee.jar

Storing methods?

must be made available to the server JVM by adding them to classpath. support Support

enhanced object .. NOT enhanced

annotation (or alternative XML, e.g package.jdo in the classpath

JPA example is failing

/idea_rt.jar=41943:/snap/intellij-idea-community/478/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/svcid

migration path from JPA / Hibernate

> to the classpath and set ObjectDB as the provider in the

Compatibility Problems Upgrading from 2.6.9_04 to 2.7.6

is closed) and no old objectdb jar should remain in the classpaths. > and mismatched .odb