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Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

the classpath. It may make a difference and serve as a workaround. support Support Thanks ... with no classes in the classpath, the Explorer uses the schema as defined in the odb file).

Unable to persist TreeMap

the classpath. support Support Build 2.5.1_02 should fix most cases. Adding the classes to the Explorer classpath may still be needed in some cases. support Support

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

that you get may indicate that objectdb.jar is not found in the classpath (i.e. JPA is available ... like a classpath issue. Maybe objectdb.jar is available only in compilation and not at runtime.

Problem Using Reflection

to ObjectDB in the ordinary application classpath or the thread context classpath, so no synthetic classes

alter table

. This is done automatically if you open the database in your application and the new class is available in the classpath ... specifying a classpath that contains the new class. > BTW, "describe table xxx

Is there an administration tool with which I could create extra indexes?

class. Open the database with the up to date class in the classpath in order ... > Step 2 may be skipped if you run the Doctor (step 3) with your up to date classes in the classpath. support Support

Configuration and Activation Code in ObjectDB 2.x

that you only have objectdb.jar in the classpath and not odbee.jar ... the classpath. Currently you can not set the objectdb.home or

OEM Enhancer causing Jenkins job to freeze

classpath="${project.root.dir}lib/*;${project.root.dir}/temp/*;${dist.dir}" classname="com.objectdb ... logging frameworks present on classpath. Nice description of this issue can be found

Feature suggestion: auto-detection of entities via persistence.xml extension

;is specified in the persistence.xml file. The classpath root ... class="code">jar-file in the persistence.xml file (but not the entire classpath

Errors after unexpected server shutdown

to remove the index, i.e. access the database with a class (in the classpath)  in which that index ... the classpath) in which that index is defined. Alternatively you should be able to repair