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.lang.Object code>java.lang.Throwablecode> code>java.lang.Exceptioncode> code>java.lang.RuntimeExceptioncode>

JPA Miscellaneous

This section contains miscellaneous JPA types. The code>PersistenceUtilcode> and code>PersistenceUnitUtilcode> interfaces provide general utility methods: The code>Cache code>interface and the code>CacheRetrieveModecode> and code


="hierarchy"> java.lang.Object code>java.lang.Throwablecode> code>java.lang.Exceptioncode> code>java.lang.RuntimeExceptioncode> code>javax.persistence


.Object code>java.lang.Throwablecode> code>java.lang.Exceptioncode> java ... Interfaces: code>Serializablecode>

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

>The new class should represent code>Pointcode> objects in the database. Besides the @Entity annotation and the code>idcode> field (and its annotations) - the code>Pointcode> class is an ordinary Java class. The warning that NetBeans displays

Step 3: Add a Main Class

In this step we will add a main class to the project to store and retrieve code>Pointcode> objects from the database: Right click the tutorial package in ... >to create the class. Copy and paste the following code to the newly


.PersistenceManager">code>PersistenceManager.getFetchPlancode> , code>Extent.getFetchPlancode> , and code>Query


. The Reference Enhancer also adds code to implement the methods defined by PersistenceCapable. code>othercode> - the PC instance from which field values are to be copied code>fieldNumberscode

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

with Java code that implements the query. You can use that code to export JDOQL queries that you test in the Explorer into your Java code. Refreshing the Cache When a database is open ... code>Stringcode> instances in the database using the same encoding that they have in memory


> Superinterfaces: code>Iterable<E>code> Instances of the code>Extentcode> class represent the entire collection of instances in the data store of the candidate