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the new ObjectDB build load time weaving (enhancement) by Spring is currently disabled ... enhancement not being applied. (as far as i know i'm not using loadtime weaving but compile time weaving with aspectj) anyway, i got a spring roo with gwt sample running

Java 8 Enhancer Problem

and AspectJ load time weaving. Unluckily the LTW option of Spring is global. If it's enabled ... class files it throws an exception which causes Spring to stop weaving.  weaving currently not supported


" title="Interface in javax.persistence">code>TypedQuerycode> code>TypedQuerycode> code>Parametercode


">code>javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactorycode> . code>PersistenceUnitInfo.getClassLoadercode> method. code>PersistenceUnitInfo.getClassLoadercode

Database Transaction Replayer

of the database file with the code>odrcode> (ObjectDB Recording) suffix. By default ... physical device by setting the code>pathcode> attribute in the Backup files - with names of the form code><transaction-id>

Database Replication and Clustering

 code><replication>code> elements in the configuration ... > The code>urlcode> attribute of the code><replication>code ... code>usercode> and code>passwordcode> attributes. The slave server uses these details to connect

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

> Now replace the content of the new source file with the following code: The code>GuestDaocode> session bean (EJB) class defines two methods: code>persistcode> - for storing a new code>Guestcode> entity object

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

>Now replace the content of the new source file with the following code: The code>GuestDaocode> session bean (EJB) class defines two methods: code>persistcode> - for storing a new code>Guestcode> entity object in the database. code


implementations, not by end users. code>JDOImplHelpercode> allows construction of instances ... > code>smcode> - an instance of StateManager whose class is to be checked. code>smClasscode> - a Class to be checked for JDOPermission


code>java.lang.Throwablecode> code>java.lang.Exceptioncode> code>java.lang.RuntimeExceptioncode> javax.jdo