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Online Backup

/EntityManager">code>EntityManagercode> (code>emcode>) that represents the connection (local or ... ("objectdb backup").getSingleResult(); The backup query string is always exactly code>"objectdb backup"code>. The backup is created under the backup root directory, which by default


"> Interface used to interact with the persistence context. An code>EntityManagercode ... . Within the persistence context, the entity instances and their lifecycle are managed. The code>EntityManagercode ... , and to query over entities. The set of entities that can be managed by a given code


/Query" title="Interface in javax.persistence">code>Querycode> code>Querycode> code>Parametercode>

JPA Queries

Queries are represented in JPA by the code>Querycode> and code>TypedQuerycode> interfaces: The code>TypedQuerycode

ORDER BY clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

a code>Country ccode>, the code>c.populationcode> expression can be evaluated from code>ccode ... . The following query returns code>Countrycode> objects ordered by code>currencycode> as the primary sort key and by code>namecode> as the secondary sort key:

Database Server

Server The ObjectDB Server tool is bundled in the code>objectdb.jarcode> file. If code>objectdb.jarcode> is not in the current ... . The code>–confcode> and code>–portcode> options can also be used with the

Defining a JPA Entity Class

To be able to store code>Pointcode> objects in the database using JPA we need ... to be serialized. The Point Entity Class The following code>Pointcode ... the ability to store code>Pointcode> objects in the database and retrieve code>Pointcode

Database Explorer

> The ObjectDB Explorer is contained in the code>explorer.jarcode> executable jar file, which is located in the code>bincode> directory of ObjectDB. It depends on the code>objectdb.jarcode ... ; java -jar explorer.jar If code>explorer.jarcode> is not in the current directory

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

-right: auto;">Now replace the content of the new source file with the following code: The code>GuestControllercode> class is defined as a Spring managed web controller using the code>@Controllercode> annotation. A

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

the content of the new source file with the following code: package guest ... >The code>GuestControllercode> class is defined as a Spring managed web controller using the code>@Controllercode> annotation. A code>GuestDaocode