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Spring LTW Problem

compile time weaving to load time weaving. (To get Jrebel working properly) So i added  Now Spring oviously tries to weave every class that get's loaded. The problem arises when the ObjectDB Enhancer tries to weave some GWT class of wich some dependencies are not

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

. For example, the following query returns code>Countrycode> objects that become managed by the code>EntityManager emcode>: code needed. Notice that query results

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

. Given an code>EntityManagercode> code>emcode>, the following code fragment demonstrates the retrieval of an code>Employeecode> object whose primary ... to code>Employeecode> is not required because

Logical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API

>A valid operand of an code>ANDcode> operator must be one of: code>TRUE, code>code>FALSEcode>, and code>NULLcode>. The following table shows how the code>ANDcode> operator ... NULL code

Locking in JPA

>During code>commitcode> (and code>flushcode>), ObjectDB checks every database object ... /jpa/OptimisticLockException">code>OptimisticLockExceptioncode> is thrown if the version numbers

Literals in JPQL and Criteria Queries

of literals including code>NULLcode>, boolean literals (code>TRUEcode> and code>FALSEcode>), numeric literals (e.g. code>100code>), string literals (e.g. code>'abc'code>), enum literals (e.g. code>mypackage.MyEnum.MY_VALUEcode>) and entity type literals (e.g. code>Countrycode

Database Connection using JPA

to a database is represented by an code>EntityManagercode ... it is common to establish a separate database connection, using a separate code>EntityManagercode ... /EntityManagerFactory">code>EntityManagerFactorycode> instance is to support instantiation of

Database Management Settings

The code><database>code> configuration element specifies back end (database ... configuration file contains the following code><database>code> element: <size initial="256kb" resize="256kb" page="2kb" /> The code><size>

Storing JPA Entity Objects

the code>persistcode> method or implicitly as ... > The following code stores an instance of the code>Employeecode> entity class in ... ">getTransaction().commit(); The code


" title="Interface in javax.persistence">code>EntityManagercode> , code>PersistenceManagercode ... "> Adds the listener instance to the list of lifecycle event listeners. The code>classes