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JPA Lifecycle Events

() {} } Internal callback methods should always return code>voidcode> and take no arguments. They can have any name and any access level (code>publiccode>, code>protectedcode>, code>packagecode> and code>privatecode>) but should not be code>staticcode>.

Query Parameters in JPA

a code>Countrycode> object from the database by its name: public ... ">getSingleResult(); } The WHERE clause reduces the query results to code>Countrycode> objects whose name field value is equal to code>:namecode>, which is a parameter

Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries

="/java/jpa/query/jpql/literal#date_and_time_literals">date and time literals - e.g. code>{d '2011-12-31'}code>, code>{t '23:59:59'}code>. as code>CURRENT_DATEcode> - is evaluated to the current date (a code>java.sql.Date


Queries are represented in JPA 2 by two interfaces - the old code>Querycode> interface, which was the only interface available for representing queries in JPA 1, and the new code>TypedQuerycode> interface

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

>A Minimal JPQL Query The following query retrieves all the code>Countrycode> objects in ... class and its descendant classes. In the query above, code>ccode> is a range variable that is bound to the code>Countrycode> entity class and defines iteration over all the code>Countrycode

Chapter 6 - Configuration

The ObjectDB configuration file contains one code><objectdb>code> root element ... code>$objectdb/objectdb.confcode> where code>$objectdbcode> represents the ObjectDB home directory. ObjectDB Home ($objectdb) The value of code>$objectdbcode

JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

the byte code of compiled classes after compilation. Enhancement is mainly for user-defined persistable ... using code>the getcode> and code>setcode> methods). If you follow this practice only user defined ... : Enhanced code enables efficient tracking of persistent field modifications

JPA Named Queries

. Using named queries instead of dynamic queries may improve code organization by separating the JPQL query strings from the Java code. It also enforces the use of query  The following code>

NullPointer when accessing persistent field

>   The code being called is accessing a map declared as follows; The packages were all enhanced ( static weaving ).   JFK John Francis As before Enhancer is being run on code before test runs. Thanks


.Object code>java.lang.Throwablecode> code>java.lang.Exceptioncode> code>java.lang.RuntimeExceptioncode>