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JPA Persistable Types

class (i.e. not a nested / inner class). should have a code>publiccode> or code>protectedcode> no-arg constructor. cannot be code>finalcode> and cannot have code>finalcode> methods or code>finalcode> instance variables. ObjectDB

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

;string literals - e.g. code>'abc'code ... wildcard characters: The percent character (code>%code>) - which matches zero or more of any character. The underscore character (code>_code

JPA Criteria API Queries

:0px">The code>CriteriaBuildercode> interface ... either by the code>EntityManagerFactorycode>'s code>getCriteriaBuildercode> method

Index Definition

/Index">code>@Indexcode> and code>@Uniquecode ... /Unique">code>@Uniquecode> represents a unique index that prevents duplicate values in the indexed field. A code>PersistenceExceptioncode> is thrown on commit (or flush) if different entities

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

">type expression. For example, in the following query, code>ccode> iterates over all the code>Countrycode> objects in the database: SELECT c FROM Country AS c The code>AScode> keyword is optional, and the same query

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

these operators. Comparing NULL values The following table shows how code>NULLcode> values are handled by each comparison operator. One column presents a comparison of code>NULLcode> value with a non code>NULLcode> value. The other column presents a comparison of two code

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

:"> The code>PersistenceManagerFactorycode> interface represents a factory of database connections. Its main role is to provide code>PersistenceManagercode> instances. The code>PersistenceManagercode> interface represents a database connection. Every operation

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

a no-arg constructor. implement the code>javax.jdo.spi.PersistenceCapablecode> interface. The code>PersistenceCapablecode> interface includes more than 20 abstract ... without implementing the code>PersistenceCapablecode> interface, and have the JDO Enhancer add the interface

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

;OBJECTDB_HOME>\lib\odbse.jar com.objectdb.Server where code><OBJECTDB_HOME>code ... your own specific configuration file. You can use the code>–confcode> command line parameter ... >, you do not need to use the code>–confcode> command line parameter, because ObjectDB

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

> Program Source Code The program consists of a single source file, HelloWorld ... "> Lines 11-14 A code>PersistenceManagercode> instance representing a local database file, hello.odb, is obtained using the code