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JPA Entity Fields

transient using either the Java code>transientcode> modifier (which also affects serialization) or the JPA code>@Transientcode> annotation (which only affects ... explicitly specified otherwise (e.g. by using the code>@Transientcode

CRUD Database Operations with JPA

Given an code>EntityManagercode>, code>emcode>, that represents a JPA connection to the object database, we can use ... > The following code fragment stores 1,000 code>Pointcode> objects in the database:

General Settings and Logging

The code><general>code> configuration element specifies ObjectDB settings ... contains the following code><general>code> element: < ... when processing large data, such as query results that contain millions of objects. The code

Database Schema Evolution

have matching fields in the old schema are initialized with default values (code>0code>, code>falsecode> or code>nullcode>). Fields in the old schema that do not have matching ... . If the old type is inconvertible to the new type (for instance a change from code>intcode> to code>Date

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

the code>removecode> method or implicitly ... which way) and then in an active transaction, it can be deleted using the code>removecode> method: Employee

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

clause defines iteration over all the code>Countrycode> objects in the database. The GROUP BY clause groups these code>Countrycode> objects by the first letter of the country name. The next step ... supported in the GROUP BY clause by all the JPA implementations. Grouping the code>Country

JPA Primary Key

>Automatic Primary Key By default, the primary key is a sequential 64 bit number (code>longcode>) that is set automatically by ObjectDB for every new entity object that is stored in ... /java/jpa/Id">code>@Idcode> annotation marks a field as a primary key field. When a primary key

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

In JPA a database connection is represented by the code>EntityManagercode> interface. Therefore, in order to manipulate an ObjectDB database we need an code>EntityManagercode> instance. Operations that modify database content also require

Collections in JPQL and Criteria Queries

> code>c.languages IS EMPTYcode> is code>TRUEcode> if the collection is empty and code>FALSEcode> otherwise. code>c.languages IS NOT EMPTYcode> is FALSE if the collection is empty and code>TRUEcode> otherwise. SIZE The SIZE

Server User List

The <code>users>code> configuration element lists the users that are allowed ... the following code><users>code> element: <users> < ... is represented by a single code><user>code> element: The required code