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Running JPA Queries

The code>Querycode> interface defines two methods for running SELECT queries: code>Query.getSingleResultcode> - for use when exactly one result object is expected

Auto Generated Values

Marking a field with the code>@GeneratedValuecode> annotation specifies that a value will be automatically generated for that field ... ="/api/java/jpa/GeneratedValue">code>@GeneratedValuecode> with the


, orderings. Note that code>Predicatecode> is used instead of code>Expression code ... > Parameters: code>xcode> - expression ... ="parameters"> Parameters: code

JPA Persistence Unit

> persistence.xml Persistence units are defined in a code>persistence.xmlcode> file, which has to be located in the code>META-INFcode> directory in the classpath. One code>persistence.xmlcode> file can include definitions for one or more persistence units. The portable way

Working with JPA Entity Objects

is not yet associated with an code>EntityManagercode ... > when it is persisted to the database via an code>EntityManager’s persistcode>

JPA Exceptions

> code>java.lang.Objectcode> code>java.lang.Throwablecode> code>java.lang.Exceptioncode>


"> This interface is the point of contact between managed instances of code>PersistenceCapablecode> classes and the JDO implementation. It contains the methods used by code>PersistenceCapablecode> instances to delegate behavior to the JDO implementation. Each managed


/jdo/Constants" title="Interface in javax.jdo">code>Constantscode> code>PersistenceCapablecode> instances without declaring them to be code>PersistenceCapablecode> . It is also used to acquire a code


"> Superinterfaces: code>Serializablecode> The code>PersistenceManagerFactorycode> is the interface to use to obtain code>PersistenceManagercode


> Superinterfaces: code>Serializablecode> The code>Querycode> interface allows ... . The code>PersistenceManager