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Shared (L2) Entity Cache

Every code>EntityManagercode> owns ... cache. An attempt to retrieve an entity object that is already managed by the code>EntityManagercode> returns the existing instance from the persistence context, rather than a newly instantiated

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

The code>Querycode> and code>TypedQuerycode> interfaces define various setting and tuning methods ... > Result Range (setFirstResult, setMaxResults) The code>

Entity Management Settings

The <code>entities>code> configuration element specifies front end settings ... contains the following code><entities>code> element: < ... -config"> <enhancement agent="true" reflection="warning" /> The code><

JPA Query Expressions (JPQL / Criteria)

="/java/jpa/query/jpql/arithmetic#arithmetic_operators">Arithmetic operators: code>*code> (multiplication), code>/code> (division), + (addition) and code>-code> (subtraction).Literals and Dates (code>literalcode>, code>nullLiteralcode

Detached Entity Objects

/EntityManager">code>EntityManagercode> but still represent objects in the database. Compared ... _LockModeType">code>lockcode>). merged back into an code>EntityManagercode> to become managed again.

JPA Metamodel API

/java/jpa/metamodel/Metamodel">code>Metamodelcode>. It can be obtained either by the code>EntityManagerFactorycode>'s code>getMetamodelcode> method or by the

Schema Update

The code><schema>code> configuration element supports renaming packages ... these elements in the IDE during source code refactoring. Only these schema changes are specified in ... >The default configuration file contains an empty code><schema>code> element. If the code><

Numbers in JPQL and Criteria Queries

;numeric literals - e.g. code>123code>, code>-12.5code>. as parameters ... operators:  code>+code> (plus) and code>-code> (minus). 4 binary operators

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

can participate in direct comparison using the code>=code> and code><>code> operators ... a variable, parameter or prefix path expression) and uses the dot (code>.code>) operator to navigate through persistent fields to other objects and values. For example - code>c.capitalcode


class="type">PersistenceManager code>PersistenceManagercode> is the primary interface for JDO-aware application components. It is the factory for code>Querycode> and code>Transactioncode> instances, and contains