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Unexpected NoSuchFieldError exception

.callGetProperty( at app.database.ObjectDbDatabase.delete_all_entities(ObjectDbDatabase.groovy:69) at app.framework.Database$delete_all_entities$ Source) at org ... ( at app.database.ObjectDbDatabase.delete_all_entities(ObjectDbDatabase

Is it possible to remove parent/child entities without refresh?

createEntityManager(String dbFileName, boolean delete) {   EntityManagerFactory emf = null;   if (delete) {    new File(dbFileName).delete();    new File(dbFileName + "$").delete();   }   emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("objectdb:" + dbFileName

Merge with Parent/Child entities not possible

; } } private EntityManager createEntityManager(String dbFileName, boolean delete) {   EntityManagerFactory emf = null;   if (delete) {    new File(dbFileName).delete();    new File(dbFileName + "$").delete();   }   emf = Persistence

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

500Mb ObjectDb database opening issue

How force always recreate database on redeployment.

Is there some easy way to force recreation/deletion of the current database ... have to undeploy from Glassfish, stop the server, delete the database file, re-start the objectdb server ... property, or config file property I can use to set to force ObjectDB to always delete or empty the database

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

,modify,create,delete" />              ... ;   <dir path="/$user/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete">    ... ;      <dir path="/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete" />

Replication error on slave restart

to delete old recording files unless they are needed for slave servers that are currently offline ... @id. And sometimes I use "DELETE lvl FROM level lvl" to reassemble level data ... ="xxx2" admin="true"> <dir path="/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete" /> <

Drop the entire database, Change the schema

> Is there a simple way to do this with ObjectDb, or is the only way to delete the database file everytime? Thanks JFK John Francis You can delete the database file  ... File(path).delete(); However, this could be a useful ObjectDB feature. Maybe

Show Sql/Jpql

and delete wua Andreas Wurm It may be a good idea to log queries as strings in TRACE ... Insert, Update and Delete operations (except delete">delete/

Negative snapshot user count

can happen when using DELETE or UPDATE queries in a multithreaded application. A transaction snapshot ... COUNT = 5;         private static final String DELETE_QUERY =         "DELETE FROM MyEntity WHERE id = :id";