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> Log out from the website. Delete all the browser cookies. Log in again. support Support I deleted the cookies and tried to log in again many times. I've also tried in incognito ... > I open I delete all cookies / open

Objectdb Doctor

Hi, I have deleted an instance of ClassA. However, if I try to access ClassB, which has a field of type deleted from the databases - it is the application responsibility to clear any references

Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

;       em.createQuery("delete from Street s").executeUpdate();         em.createQuery("delete from Location l").executeUpdate();  

Connection is closed Caused by:

="" admin="true"> <dir path="/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete" /> ... /" permissions="access,modify,create,delete"> <quota directories="5" files="20" disk-space="5mb

ObjectDB version 2.3 has been released

="/java/jpa/query/jpql/update">UPDATE & delete">DELETE

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException

to delete data on 120 entities,  and then load bulk data in about 60 entities to load ... ; support Support The problem is that I need to delete data on 120 entities,  ... , rather than to use a production database and delete its content. Unfortunately the stack trace

[ObjectDB 2.4.1] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

) FROM clause in a DELETE query. Could you please post the query and/or the code ... with invalid DELETE query: import javax.persistence.*; public ... .createQuery("DELETE o").executeUpdate();         em.getTransaction

NullPointerException in __odbGetNumMember

Hi, When deleting an entity "Mitglied" -> everything works fine. Trying to delete another one (in a separate transaction) always causes a NullPointer Exception in __odbGetNumMember line 1 of the enhanced Mitglied class. I am unable to replicate it in

File lock exception on odb$

the server had just been rebooted and the os allowed us to delete the files in question without any ... Support It was repeatable at the time but we ended up deleting the odb$ to get the app started

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

> What is the total size of data in the transaction? What combination of DELETE ... ; What combination of DELETE / INSERT / UPDATE operations are in that huge transaction?