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Query results are not up to date for entities, not primitives

,create,delete" />   </user>   <user username="$default" password="$$$###">    <dir path="/$user/" permissions="access,modify,create,delete">    ... > support Support You could delete this post? I'll create a new one with this issue

Optimization Question

simply add it to the database. - If it's an update to an existing track, delete the entire ... more embedded objects whenever possible. Delaying the delete operations to time with less or no activity (and if you can use one transaction for deletion of many updates it can also improve

persistence.xml classes not respected by ObjectDB

it when I had to delete and set the new database in production. It just didn't want to respect the restrictions. I had to delete the elements in the development db, then upload the files on production ... Chirac <exclude-unlisted-classes/> will not delete classes

removed objects stay with null field values in the reference

> delete with a query use entityManager.remove  hgzwicker Hans-Georg ... to deleting it. However, if the set is defined as mapped by, it will be updated automatically after committing the delete operation

Activation license not picked up in Jenkins

] Query "DELETE FROM e" => 1 results in 168 milliseconds. [2020-09-03 22:03:34 ... .7437 18.99/1.18 (a.deleted=false)> <extractPlan 3.7225 18.96/1.18 a(Site)> ... ] Query "SELECT a FROM common.model.Site a WHERE a.deleted=false" => 0 results in 71 milliseconds

Database corrupted after schema change

;  private String oid;     private boolean deleted;    ... ; '567651' 1. deleted => false 2. modificationTS => 2021-04-16 13:38:57 3 ... has unexpected field count (7 instead of 5) 0. oid => '559770' 1. deleted => false 2


Let's say I no longer need some entity in my project and after deleting all the objects ... Explorer should be capable to delete classes? But it seems not to work deleting classes in the Explorer. An obsolete class can be selected

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

> The code at this point is performing a delete query for all entity objects that the database contains: DELETE FROM ExecutionGraph g"); query.executeUpdate(); query = em.createQuery("DELETE FROM WorkflowInstance w"); query.executeUpdate

Allow removal of entity class from ObjectDB & Explorer

Hi. It would be very useful to be able to delete an entire entity class from ObjectDB ... Egloff ObjectDB 2.8.2 adds support of deleting classes in the Explorer. An obsolete class can be selected in the Schema / Managed Types list and then deleted by using [Edit >

Cascade.ALL with LAZY fetchtype does not clean up all references on remove

.ALL in combination with FetchType.LAZY. If I now delete a root entity using EntityManager.remove all leaf nodes will not be deleted. This only applies to the leaf nodes. If I add an additional the behaviour changes so that these new leafes will not be deleted. I created a small test case