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How to disable Transparent Update.

transparent update. You can detach the first object or load it using another

ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released

the Explorer. Fixed detachment of entities by replacing proxy objects

Possible issue with LAZY Loading

are detached. In this case, LAZY data will not be available and will not be fetched either. support

Significant I/O costs during batch update or insert data.

Our application has some complex entities. We do batch update(merge detached entity) every 2 minutes. We find the period significant IO costs these days, and disappeared when turn off the batch updating. 1.ObjectDB is in embedded mode. 2.ObjectDB version is 2.3

How do I achieve a Deep Fetch using JOIN FETCH?

to be able to work with the whole C object, with all its parts, as a detached object. I know


are automatically detached at the end transaction. Yes, if

Problem with @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)

.createQuery("select s from Sample s", Sample.class).getResultList().get(0); em.detach(sample

ObjectDB 2.6.5

="/forum/1753">during time / time zone change. Fixed a bug in detachment

ObjectDB 2.3.2

a detached object (issue #527). Fixed a bug of changing id

Unexpected exception (Error 990) - Merge with no Transaction

I am frequently having an error when merging a detached object outside of a transaction. (Is this allowed? I am not trying to modify the object, just read data from it.) Here is a test case: package com.experiments; import javax