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Can't get arraylist/vector type attributes

="code">EntityManager managed entity objects become detached, and content that has not ... ">"" as a possible quick workaround. support Support Loading it eagerly worked Unknown unknown

Error during cascaded merge

();     Unit unit = result.get(0);     em.detach(unit);    ... .merge(unit); } This is exactly what happens in our webapp. A unit entity gets detached

Entity listener - event instead of object

> You may create a copy of that object (maybe by JPA's detach + detached entity object before the update. support Support

Failed to write the value of field using reflection (error 363) on LAZY fetch

">this thread that also suggests a new setting ("") that may be useful ... will not be detached on exiting a method, please check Spring Framework documentation and their Forum. support Support

Different behavior with persist() and queried instances?

> After the commit and persist calls I do close the entity manager so my object gets detached ... it includes the odb specific fields (it is an However, after detaching

Items in list are doubled, when the entity class is not enhanced

> on a managed Customer instance (which has never been detached). support Support I've added a line with em.contains check, so merge is called only on detached

migration path from JPA / Hibernate

, detaches them and then persists them using ObjectDB. A tool that can automate this process ... > > retrieves entity objects from Hibernate, detaches

Is it possible to commit only specific elements?

want to commit), detaching the ones I've previously retrieved and finally committing. Another option is to detach specific objects from the persistence


Szurgot The exception is thrown during detachment of an object (at the end of commit). Apparently the specific detached object that causes the exception has no id (primary key) fields

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

[]: ConfigBean:@PostConstruct:createData: not setting ! Info: Builder ... experimental '' true on startup, I get INSTEAD (or maybe first) the error reported