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Extra uninitialised entities spawned on merge()

;     root = em.find(Element.class, id); //now detached, since outside transaction ... () outside a transaction as a detached entity, then create an Example 'e' (with 'root' as owner ... it, load 'root' again with find() outside a transaction as a detached entity, then create

Puzzler: Not getting cascades on read from Spring context

by default for detached objects. Please read see this issue and as a workaround you may try setting It would be better and more efficient, if possible, to arrange fetching of the relevant data before detachment. support Support

Cascading makeTransient

> jakab Gergely Jakab Build 2.6.3 adds an option to treat embedded objects on detachment ... >     System.setProperty("objectdb.temp.detach ... objects are detached (made transient). support Support The situation

UserException - Object User#2 belongs to another EntityManager

> The problem can be fixed by detaching User entity after query in #findUserById(Long id ... class="code">EntityManager is closed all its objects should be detached automatically (unless ... possible. Accordingly, detaching the object before using it as a query parameter may be the right

problem with lazy loading - unittest project attached

">EntityManager is closed and the result object becomes detached. detached Foo instance and the collection looks empty.

ManyToMany Set is null

= FetchType.EAGER, cascade={CascadeType.DETACH,CascadeType.MERGEEAGER, cascade={CascadeType.DETACH,CascadeType.

Does ObjectDB create one instance of each entity class on (web app) load ?

across the system. Most of my EJB methods for querying are configurable with a pre-detach loader ... -all EAGER. This pre-detach loader approach is even more flexible than entity fetch graphs, too.

ObjectDB 2.4.0

(issue #127). Changed non loaded collections on detachment ... EntityManager conflict checks in NO DETACH mode ... entity detachment (feature request #326). Fixed a bug in

NullPointerException using with "refresh" method

seems to be detached, which is unexpected as the owner entity object is probably not detached). detached, etc.)? Which maps does it have? Do you do something special

ObjectDB 2.6.4

> Added an option to cascade detachment to embedded objects. Extended detachment of embedded objects to collections. issue #1717). Fixed detachment of embedded objects