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is detached. Instances that are detached return Boolean.TRUE . Instances known by the implementation to be non-detached return Boolean.FALSE. Boolean.TRUE if the parameter instance is detached.


detachable" title="Annotation Element of javax.jdo.annotations.PersistenceCapable">detachable Whether this class or interface is detachable.


>CopyOnAttach set to true specifies that during makePersistent, copies are made of detached parameter instances. With this flag set to false, detached parameter instances are attached directly and change their state from detached-clean to persistent-clean or from detached-dirty


="name">DETACHED_CLEAN" title="Enum Constant of javax.jdo.ObjectState">DETACHED_CLEAN ObjectState DETACHED_DIRTY" title


are made of detached parameter instances. With this flag set to false, detached parameter instances are attached directly and change their state from detached-clean to persistent-clean or from detached


> Tests whether the parameter instance has been detached. Instances that have been detached return true. Transient instances return false. true if this instance is detached.


> Tests whether this object has been detached. Instances that have been detached return true. Transient instances return false. detached. Since:

makeTransientAll(useFetchPlan, pcs)

detached; there is no detachment information in the instances. The instances to be made transient do not need to implement the javax.jdo.spi.Detachable interface.


before the detached copy is made. It is called before the method DetachCallback.jdoPreDetach is called on the instance to be detached. - the detach event.


after the detached copy is made. It is called after the method DetachCallback.jdoPreDetach is called on the detached instance. - the detach event. Since: JDO 2.0