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Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink: Unloaded relationships in detached entities

), they become detached once the EntityManager under control of the container, and then in ObjectDB (but not in ... collections are resolved already before detachment, losing all the benefits of lazy loading of course ... .com/questions/3642151/detach-jpa-objects-with-lazy-initialized-properties">Detach JPA objects

Working with JPA Entity Objects

objects consists of four states: New, Managed, Removed and Detached. Deleting Entities section. The last state, Detached ... >. For instance, all the managed objects of an EntityManager become detached when the

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

/jpa/persistence/detach">detached (e.g. when the EntityManager is closed). Transparent activation is not supported for detached objects. Therefore, only content that has already been fetched from the database is available in objects that are detached. JPA 2 introduces methods

Navigation through lazy loading from Detached Objects

A main limitation of detached objects (as explained on the detach">Detached Entities manual page) is: Retrieval by navigation from detached objects


Enum Constant javax.jdo.ObjectStateDETACHED_DIRTY


Enum Constant javax.jdo.ObjectStateDETACHED_CLEAN


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_DETACH_ALL_ON_COMMIT "javax.jdo


Static Field javax.jdo.listener.InstanceLifecycleEventint DETACH


the persistence context, causing all managed entities to become detached. detached. Changes made to entities that have not been flushed to the database will not ... ="header"> void detach_Object" title


;pc) Detach the specified instance from the Detach the specified instance from the PersistenceManager . The flags for detachment (DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS and DETACH_UNLOAD_FIELDS) and the active fetch