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Selective merge/cascade of detatched entity

at all times, in a Detached state (I realise the implications here, there are good reasons ... > What I would Ideally like to happen would be for there to be some way to re-attach the detached salesman ... really does improve things! My only remaining concern is that the reason the detached objects

GWT RPC is throwing serialization exception when I have object db date value

this replacement operation also on detachment (rebuild and enhance your classes again to use this). So you can use now detach">detached entity objects. Maybe you may even use detached entity objects directly in GWT with no DTO.   support

getReference(entityClass, primaryKey)

should not expect that the instance state will be available upon detachment, unless it was accessed by


is a detached entity


="description"> Clear the persistence context, causing all managed entities to become detached. Changes

lock(entity, lockMode, properties)

> - if the instance is not an entity or is a detached entity


of the detachment roots. Since: JDO 2.0


>javax.jdo.PersistenceManager.makePersistent on the detached instance before the copy


> Returns: The detachment root classes


"> Get options used during detachment.