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Merge on detached entities

Hello, it is possible to merge detached entities? detached. In a new transaction the fields of the detached entities will be changed ... > How are the rules of the merge process? Do the changed fields of the detached entity

Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

.jar Experimental mode: NOT USED This problems ... your readers can figure out what is happening and why. I am using pre-detach loading ... my entities have transient computation methods, and calling these during the pre-detach loading

Detaching objects after JOIN FETCH

Hi, I have a question about detaching objects after issuing query ... b.aClasses After closing entity manager, B classes became detached ... and CascadeType.DETACH list of A classes should be accessible from B, or am I wrong?

Changes in detach behaviour?

first call a getter or detach them explicitly. Up to 2.3.4 they where initialized immediately ... closes the transaction and the em. With 2.3.5_04 I get an empty detached user object back. Only the id is correct. Shouldn't the detach and field population happen implicitly

The exception "Attempt to remove a detached entity object" have no information about the entity

Hello, the exception "Attempt to remove a detached entity object" have no information about the detached entity. It is very hard, especially if the involved entities uses cascading, to find the removed call for the detached entity.  

Attempt to remove a detached entity object (error 613)

Hello, that's a strange error for me ... I have a detached object in my Java code and i just wanted to merge it ... Unfortunatly, i get this error : Failed to commit transaction: Attempt to remove a detached entity object (error 613)   

NPE after an @embedded obj is updated for a detached entity

;User user = entityManager.createQuery("select......     entityManager.detach(user

Query in nested transaction returns detached entity if lazy-loaded

Hello, we've encountered an issue with ObjectDB. The attached code is a minimal example of the relevant work flow and fails at the assert in line 58: assertTrue(secondQueryResult.get(1).strValue != null); The entity is detached and data is not loaded lazily from the database

JPA Entity Fields

for debugging and logging. Version values cannot be preserved for detached entity objects (explained in detach">chapter 3) unless either the entity class


"> int DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS detachment.