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Does ObjectDB support @Parent for @Embeddable reference to parent?

AFAIK JPA does not directly support an @Embeddable referencing the parent in ... { @Embeddable public Address address; ... } @Embeddable public class Address { @Parent public ... -how-can-an-embeddable-object-get-a-reference-to-its-owner">this trick (or similar) via a setter, but not sure

Cascade type annotaion on an embeddable type

int phoneNumber; } @Embeddable public class Location { private double latitude ... "Specifies a persistent field or property of an entity whose value is an instance of an embeddable class. The embeddable class must be annotated as Embeddable" title


Annotation Embeddable annotation may be used to designate the non-persistent state of an embeddable class. Example 1: @Embeddable public class EmploymentPeriod


; embeddable(  Class<X> cls) Return the metamodel embeddable type representing the embeddable class. - the type of the represented embeddable class


>EMBEDDABLE Embeddable class

JPA Persistable Types

> User defined classes - Entity classes, Mapped superclasses, Embeddable classes. Embeddable Classes Embeddable classes are user defined ... of an embeddable class can only be stored in the database as embedded objects, i.e. as part of a containing entity

JPA Primary Key

Key An alternate way to represent a composite primary key is to use an embeddable class:Embeddable">@Embeddable Class ProjectId { int departmentId; long projectId; } The primary key fields are defined in an embeddable

JPA Metamodel API

"> // Get all the managed classes: // (entity classes, embeddable classes, mapped super classes ... (); // Get all the embeddable classes: Set<embeddable or mapped super classes): ManagedType<

JPA Entity Fields

Fields of persistable user defined classes (entity classes, embeddable classes ... ">entity classes and embeddable_classes">embeddable classes ... field whose type is embeddable may optionally be marked with the

probable error in text of manual about embeddable classes

at website in "Embeddable Classes ... of embeddable classes are always embedded in other entity objects and do not require separate space allocation and separate store and retrieval operations. Therefore, using embeddable classes can save