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EmbeddedId with Generated field value

"> @Entity public class A { @EmbeddedId private CompositePK pk; } @Embeddable public class ... (and not for embeddable classes). Consider using: @IdClass ... "> But at this point has ZoneId class (or CompositePK class) to be declared as @Embeddable

Problem witch CriteriaBuilder isMember(..)

and an embeddable class like this @Entity class Container {   ... > } @Embeddable class Testclass {     ... > Until build 2.6.4_09 the isMember method works fine with embeddable objects. But in

how explorer queries work

loading, reflection, etc. jon jon ObjectDB knows to build missing entity and embeddable ... using user defined serializable non entity / embeddable classes (which are not recommended anyway) and use embeddable classes instead. This way

Exception when querying Map property with @embedded & Enhancer enabled

"> import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence ... ; return "MyEntity2 [name=" + name + ", values=" + values + "]";   } } @Embeddable public ... an unexpected limitation of enhanced embeddable classes in queries. Please try build 2.6.4_06 that should fix this issue. support Support

Problem with entities detection

entities. The only difference is an @Embeddable annotion in a class, and an @Embedded annotation in ... object)  and objectdb.Direccion (the @Embeddable) to the same package of centroController ... ="pre-java"> @Embeddable public class Direccion implements Serializable

Index on map key

;     }     }         @Embeddable ... -value embeddable objects. An index on the key is defined using 

LEFT JOIN FETCH over empty embedded collection returns no results

> To use the example from my original post: @Embeddable class A { String val; };   @Embeddable class B

Join query problem with new statetment

an embeddable class to entity class, which results in having a class with mixed objects in the database - the old embeddable objects and the new entity objects. For more precise diagnosis

Embedding Managed Entities in Embedded Objects = bad idea

Discovered that you can't embed entities in embeddable objects if the entity is managed. Haven't tried embedding un-managed entities in embeddable objects, though I imagine that's not a great idea. The the error message isn't all that obvious (attempting

Performance in SELECT statement

;     ... getter/setters ... } @Embeddable public class State {   ... . You cannot define an index directly on a field of embeddable class. Define