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TemporalType injection with Calendar using JPA

class="pre-java"> @Embeddable @Access(AccessType.PROPERTY) public class TimePeriod implements ... is misleading embeddable_classes">Embeddable Classes (and Simple ... a Embeddable class. Perhaps you should add "except when the embeddable class

Schema update: package, class and field

> btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems It does work for entities classes but not for embeddable classes. Do you have a solution for embeddable classes? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems There should not be a difference between entity and embeddable classes regarding schema changes

How to apply Unique constraints on embedded fields?

"> @Entity public class A { private B b; } @Embeddable public class B { private C c; } @Embeddable public class C { private HashSet<String> values; } Embeddable public class B1 { private C c; public B1

Clarification on free license restrictions

, but can each of these classes use unrestricted numbers of embeddable classes?  Do embeddable ... with what I’m seeing, great work guys. Thanks Craig pricecap72 Craig A Price Embeddable ... > Therefore, even though embeddable classes are preferred - you may use your own serializable classes as

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

> Although serializable objects that are not entity or embeddable classes are supported by ObjectDB ... to define OrderItemData as en embeddable_classes">embeddable class. In addition, replace the ordinary array

com.objectdb.o.UserException: Ambiguous entity name

>A former embeddable class seems to be similar to a new entity class. However, I removed the embeddable class ... for this embeddable class. How can I remove this embeddable class without deleting my database or ... the embeddable class in the explorer. itsme Martin Petzold

Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId; import javax ... ; @Entity public class ECompoundKeyMapItem { @Embeddable public static class ECompoundKeyMapItemId ... javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId; import javax.persistence.Entity

Explorer in 2.3

the value of a field of type 'A' where A is an @Entity or @Embeddable. I could do this using a Java ... of a JPQL query to set a value of an @Entity or @Embeddable field. ie. I want to set the value of a field of type 'A' where A is an @Entity or @Embeddable. So I enter a JPQL  query which returns

How do I achieve a Deep Fetch using JOIN FETCH?

I have an Entity type which is contains a collection of Embeddable objects, which in turn themselves contain a collection of Embeddable objects: @Embeddable class A { String val; }; @Embeddable class B { List<A> aList

Best practise loading big data

entities which hold a list of table rows which is a list of embeddable entities holding the final ... (fetch=LAZY) ArrayList<MyValue> values; } @Embeddable class MyValue { @Basic ... > values; } @Embeddable class MyValue { @Basic boolean flag; @Basic String