ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Query filter comparing Dates

am comparing 2 dates which should be equal because they are showing exactly same inner millisecond count. I ... , pm.newQuery(ClassWithDate.class, "this.date.equals(datum)"), date); assertQueryResultSize(1, pm.newQuery(ClassWithDate.class, "this.type.equals(\""+ TYPE +"\") && this.date.equals(datum)"), date

Composite Index error 328

equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o ... == that.flags && Objects.equals(usrName, that.usrName) && Objects.equals(mail, that.mail) && Objects.equals(regDate, that.regDate

le(x, y)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Predicate le( Expression<T> x, Expression<T> y ) Create a predicate for testing whether the first argument is less than or equal to the second. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Returns: less-than-or-equal predicate Since: JPA 2.0

nullif(x, y)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression<Y> nullif( Expression<Y> x, Expression<?> y ) Create an expression that tests whether its argument are equal, returning null if they are and the value of the first expression if they are not. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Returns: nullif expression Since: JPA 2.0


the objects Since: JDO 2.2 boolean equals(Object obj) Determine if the other object represents the same ... - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0 boolean equals(Object


equals(Object obj) Determine if the other object represents the same object id. Determine ... if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0 boolean equals(Object obj) Check the class


. Removed FetchGroups become unscoped. Match is based on identical class and equal name. The methods


processing for successful transactions. Within a transaction, the ObjectId returned will compare equal


, the ObjectId returned will compare equal to the ObjectId returned by only one among all JDO


(Object arg0) Parameters: arg0 - boolean equals(Object arg0) Parameters: arg0 - String getActions

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