ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Problem witch CriteriaBuilder isMember(..)

; long udb = 0; } Im unable to search for some occurence of Objects of Testclass in Container (equal ... ")); works as expected. the equal-query Testclass searchobject = new Testclass(1,2); Predicate predicate = cb.equal(a_root.<Testclass>get("testobject"), searchobject); works as expected. Even the cb.in

Should derived fields of an EmbeddedId be manually maintained by app code?

; this.cont = parent; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof ... ; return cont.equals(other.cont) && cachedKey.equals(other.cachedKey); } @Override public ... ; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if(!(o instanceof ECompoundKeyMapSubItemId)) return

Help with 'not like/lower' query

.get(property.getFieldName()); Predicate predicate; if(property.getOperator().equals(Operator ... ); stringMapOfValues.put(stringProp, property.getWildcardValue()); }else if(property.getOperator().equals ... .getOperator().equals(Operator.EQUAL)){ predicate = criteriaBuilder.equal(path, stringProp

nullif(x, y)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression<Y> nullif( Expression<Y> x, Y y ) Create an expression that tests whether its argument are equal, returning null if they are and the value of the first expression if they are not. Parameters: x - expression y - value Returns: nullif expression Since: JPA 2.0

nullif(x, y)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression<T> nullif( Expression<T> x, Expression<T> y ) Create an expression that tests whether its argument are equal, returning null if they are and the value of the first expression if they are not. Parameters: x - expression y - expression Returns: nullif expression Since: JPA 2.0


equals(Object arg0) Parameters: arg0 - String getActions() String getName() int hashCode() boolean


Method javax.jdo.FetchGroup int hashCode() Return the hashCode for this instance. The hash code should combine both the class and fetch group name. The hash codes for two equal instances must be identical. Returns: the hash code Since: JDO 2.2


. Within a transaction, the ObjectId returned will compare equal to the ObjectId returned by


. Since: JDO 2.0 int compareTo(T arg0) Parameters: arg0 - boolean equals(Object obj) Check the class


FetchGroups become unscoped. Match is based on identical class and equal name. The methods addFetchGroups

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