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stored procedure in ObjectDB

. JPA (or JDO) event">lifecycle events can be used as ... much networking overhead (no additional round trips), and JPA lifecycle events (unlike stored procedures

Auto Date for Creation and Update

/date fields in a event">JPA lifecycle event methods. support ... of persist and it may affect which event methods are invoked. You may want to check @PostPersist

Dirty checking

. in the jdo api there is: void postDirty(InstanceLifecycleEvent event) a) Lifecycle Listener classes, e.g: ... would be helpful   dmoshal David Moshal You can use JPA lifecycle event

auto generate timestamp

/jpa/persistence/event">event callback method (@PrePersist, server time in the event callback by

Problem upgrading

( ~[na:1.8.0_72] at com.vaadin.event.ListenerMethod.receiveEvent( ~[vaadin-server-7.5.6.jar:7.5.6] at com.vaadin.event.EventRouter.fireEvent( ~[vaadin-server-7.5.6.jar:7.5.6] at com.vaadin.event.EventRouter.fireEvent(

Problem undeploying Glassfish3.1.1 web application cleanly

.persistence.jpa.JPADeployer.event( at org.glassfish.kernel.event.EventsImpl$

Database is erased after deploying a new web application version

automatically as a listener event (and not by your own application)  as shown in the provided link but deeper in your code, probably on an invalid event. support

NullPointerException in ENH.g(

when reading the field "Event.participants" of the entity with id "a1bef640-2191-11e6-942d ... all other entities of type "Event" I could not read the field "Event.participants" from any of them).

NullPointerException on initial database creation

.JPADeployer.event( at org.glassfish.kernel.event.EventsImpl$

NPE using AND TRUE in WHERE clause

The following (dynamically generated) query causes an NPE: SELECT e FROM Event e WHERE e.account=:account AND TRUE When I change ... Event e WHERE e.account=:account AND 1=1 Here is the stack trace: