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Changing existing objects from Entity to Embedded

) at com.objectdb.Explorer$ at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch

Best practice: Database update/migration of embedded databases in products

, and use a JPA event callback to make the conversion. In V1.1 your class will include

ObjectDB is opening too many sockets

;logger name="server" level="debug" /> During sudden events of socket creations

Version 2.5.6 enhancement problem solved by updating to version 2.5.7_03

After updating some of my code to java 8, enhancement threw "unexpected" exceptions from two of the source files I applied the most (maybe all) of the changes to. Problem might or might not have been related to the java 8 update. In any event, my enhancement problem

Show Sql/Jpql

="/java/jpa/persistence/event">JPA lifecycle listener or callback. support Support

Working with a cleared cache

trace seems incomplete). In general, there are many restrictions on code in JPA/JDO lifecycle event

Partial Indexing

with the main field by using a event">callback method 

@PrePersist not working correctly

values in the event callback method. Notice, however, that using


special event before that failure (e.g. power failure? shutdown? process kill?) Any

Bean Validation (JPA 2.0)

JPA 2 adds support for integration with the Bean Validation API. Constraints that are defined for entity and embeddable classes by using annotations can be checked automatically on PrePersist, PreUpdate and PreRemove JPA lifecycle events. Integration